Hello to all,
Just want to answer to questions for everyone:
The price of MaPlEr is 7,00 Euro. This is around $10 US.
The 700,00 Euro in our Audio presentation was just a joke. ;-)

I'm blind myself and tried to do my best to make MaPlEr as
userfriendly as possible.

Have a nice time and best regards

Marco (Mar-Dy-Team)
> Sean:

> It already is user-friendly to Blind folks.

> Cheers.

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "sean waiting" <s...@waiting6415.freeserve.co.uk>
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 5:12 PM
> Subject: Re: new Mediaplayer available

>> Dear Friend
>> is it going to be use friendly to blind people as well.
>> all the best from sean waiting.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Jim Noseworthy" <jim.nosewor...@rogers.com>
>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>; 
>> <blindi...@freelists.org>
>> Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 6:34 PM
>> Subject: Re: new Mediaplayer available
>>> Hello Folks:
>>> Let's get behind this one and offer the program author some suggestions.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Marco Steinebach - Mardy" <supp...@mar-dy.com>
>>> To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>> Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 11:42 AM
>>> Subject: new Mediaplayer available
>>>> Hello to all,
>>>> I think some of you may be interested in the following information:
>>>> We, the Mar-Dy-Team, have created a new program, a mixture between
>>>> Media player and playlistgenerator.
>>>> This program is called MaPlEr.
>>>> We have created it, because we are not happy about the usage of
>>>> Windows Mediaplayer, and, as versions grow, the usage of Winamp too.
>>>> So we tried to create a program, which can play the most popular sound
>>>> files, has the ability to create and modify playlists, and has such
>>>> features like adjusting the pitch, without changing the tempo and vice
>>>> versa, adjusting the volume of music, without changing the volume of
>>>> the screenreader, and so on.
>>>> The link to our homepage is:
>>>> www.mar-dy.com
>>>> Here you can find more information about all the features,
>>>> download MaPlEr and listen to an audio presentation which
>>>> we did on BCT (www.blindcooltech.com).
>>>> We would be very interested in feedback. What do you think of the
>>>> program? Is it useful for you, what features would you like in future
>>>> versions.
>>>> And if you want to discuss with other users of MaPlEr, or just
>>>> want to be informed of updates and so on, just send an empty email to
>>>> mardysoftware-subscr...@as-2.de
>>>> to subscribe to our software mailing list.
>>>> Best regards to all of you
>>>> Marco Steinebach (Germany)
>>>> (Mar-dy-Team)
>>>> Jonathan Mosen List Founder
>>>> Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more...
>>>> http://www.pc-audio.org
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>>>> pc-audio-unsubscr...@pc-audio.org
>>> Jonathan Mosen List Founder
>>> Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more...
>>> http://www.pc-audio.org
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>>> pc-audio-unsubscr...@pc-audio.org
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>> Jonathan Mosen List Founder
>> Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more...
>> http://www.pc-audio.org
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>> pc-audio-unsubscr...@pc-audio.org 

> Jonathan Mosen List Founder
> Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more...
> http://www.pc-audio.org
> To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to:
> pc-audio-unsubscr...@pc-audio.org

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Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more...
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