I'd first try mp3 and txt for extensions.  P.S. be sure to make a copy

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Dancing Queen
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 8:02 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: An audio file with no extention and isn't recognised

A friend of mine downloaded a sound clip from the Dr Who site's text only
version and that one's a strange beast as well, she couldn't open it and she
sent it to me, when I try to open it I get told that the file format's not
reognized and windows needs to access the net to find out what to open it
with, very very strange!!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Walter Ramage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 7:53 PM
Subject: An audio file with no extention and isn't recognised

> Hi everyone.  I have a problem converting a file I have.  It was sent to 
> me
> as an attachment from a friend who in turn received it from some one else.
> It is a recording from a radio programme.  My problem is, it is 2.7mg in
> size and I wanted to compress it further in order to embed it and send it
> on.  However, when I tried to use Gold wave, it didn't recognize the file
> and didn't list it on the list of audio files in my document folder.  I
> tried Sound Taxi but again, it didn't appear in the list of files.  I can
> play the file with WMA but it says that it doesn't recognise the file type
> but may be able to play it anyway and do I want it to try.  I said yes and
> it did.  It won't play in reel player or any other player I have except 
> but with the proviso above.  I looked at the properties and it said the 
> file
> type was "file" but nothing else.  I turned on the extensions but although
> all other files had an extension, this file did not, yet it is an audio 
> file
> as I can listen to it but can do nothing else with it.  If anyone has any
> idea what file type it is and how I can get into it to edit it, I would be
> appreciative.  Many thanks.  Walter.
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