Albert Right, bigger isn't better; but what is better is having to draw from a wider array of individuals when opinions or suggestions are sought. I am guessing, based on what I am reading here, is that twice a month is probably too much; but a few times a year, such as Friday the 13ths or quarterly, probably wouldn't overtax the list. I get the sense that Tom is trying to think out of the box unlike some 2nd or 3rd generation list owners, who reflexively say "that's the way it always was and, hence, must be." Well, my study of the Bible has not let me to find any mandated rules or precepts for any given email list meaning that, as they were created by man, man is free to change them as seen fit. And, oh yes, an owner can do whatever they wish with their lists as "on topic" is a relative term which an owner can make as broad or narrow as desired. Of course, if list recipients don't agree with the owner's approach, the owner may have his list (with his beloved rules) but no posts.
Tom, in this instance, has not suggested the changing of guidelines on a permanent basis. What he has suggested is trying, at least on a one day basis, something different which may or may not work. I can see folks reacting negatively if this was to be a permanent change of direction. No where do I see this being advocated here. Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]