
I wish it were as simple as you suggest -- making voices louder.
The reasons go beyond that and are far more practical.
Other than the legal legs accessability (whatever that is) stands on, the 
marketplace well realizes that the blind are such an insignificant 
economic group to market to (both due to incomes as well as numbers) that 
who cares.
Learn to work with the alternatives -- everything from Replay Av's url 
finder to 3rd station databases -- and one's radio listening life will be 
far more pleasant.
Like many things, these will be resolved though admittedly many people 
will be inconvenienced as adaptive equipment software vendors, scripters, 
and other 3rd parties attempt to figure all this out.
It would be nice if some new player showed its face at 6 am and the 
adapters figured it out by 6:15.
But that doesn't and cannot happen.
Let's see what this means, if anything, for bookmarked and preset CBS urls 
come Monday.
I have RAV set to do one at 6 am and another at 1 pm Eastern.

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