Hi, it's dsl. Josh email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED] skype: jkenn337 ----- Original Message ----- From: "DJ DOCTOR P" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org> Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 10:48 PM Subject: Re: Is this TV thing real?
> High Josh, > What kind of an internet connection do you have? > Is it cable DSL or dial up? > I have Comcast high speed internet. > In my speed is 6 gbps. > I don't have any special software, but I'm able to view all kinds of TV > channels just about all over the place. > The trick to it all is, you have to know the URL's to the networking > channels. > My best regards. > John. > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Josh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org> > Cc: "NFBnet GUI Talk Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 9:49 PM > Subject: Re: Is this TV thing real? > > >> Hi, >> another tv program is www.tvunetworks.com . Not sure how well it works >> with >> screen readers. and tvunetworks is free. But you need a connection of >> 300kbps or faster to watch tv on it. And I only got 90kbps download >> speed, >> not sure what I have to do to increase my bandwidth here. >> >> Josh >> >> email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >> msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >> skype: jkenn337 >> ----- Original Message ----- >> From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >> To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org> >> Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 4:09 PM >> Subject: Re: Is this TV thing real? >> >> >>> go to www.orderfreetv.com and read it for youself. >>> If you got the cash, please buy it, test it and then tell all of us the >>> results, we want to know also. >>> MMM >>> On Tue, 3 Jun 2008 19:01:28 +0100 "Dancing Queen" >>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >>>> What is it? >>>> >>>> Trace >>>> >>>> ----- Original Message ----- >>>> From: "jason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org> >>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 7:51 AM >>>> Subject: Re: Is this TV thing real? >>>> >>>> >>>> > Hi, all list is this thing really real or not I am not quite >>>> convinced >>>> > that >>>> > this is real. if anyone else have more views on this please >>>> reply. >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > Sincerely, >>>> > Jason known as Blind Fury >>>> > windowslive contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>>> > skype contact kb3icc >>>> > ----- Original Message ----- >>>> > From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>>> > To: <pc-audio@pc-audio.org> >>>> > Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 2:09 AM >>>> > Subject: Is this TV thing real? >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > Hi all, does anyone know about this? >>>> > www.orderfreetv.com >>>> > If this really works, I want to know about it. Does anyone use it >>>> and >>>> > please share your experience with us. Does it cause any troubles >>>> with >>>> > your com or interfere with Jaws? >>>> > MMM >>>> > Best New Internet TV Site - Use Freedom TV To Watch TV On Your PC >>>> - Web >>>> > TV >>>> > >>>> > From: >>>> > Technology Writer >>>> > Friday, 7:23 a.m. >>>> > >>>> > Click here for Instant Access! >>>> > >>>> > ******************* >>>> > >>>> > If you want access to an almost unlimited number of TV and radio >>>> channels >>>> > on your computer. in just five minutes. without paying for cable >>>> or >>>> > satellite >>>> > service... this will be the most exciting message you will ever >>>> read! >>>> > >>>> > Here is why: >>>> > >>>> > It's now possible to avoid the media monopolies completely and >>>> get >>>> > "direct access" on your computer. without paying any cable or >>>> satellite >>>> > company a dime. >>>> > >>>> > This fascinating story began in a sleepy little river town in >>>> Illinois. >>>> > You see, Illinois is now home to a freedom loving young computer >>>> genius >>>> > from Australia >>>> > that cable and satellite companies soon learned to hate with a >>>> vengeance. >>>> > Why such animosity? The answer is simple. He has discovered a >>>> secret >>>> > loophole >>>> > that lets anyone with an internet connection get access to >>>> unregulated, >>>> > uncensored and even banned channels from all over the world. The >>>> media >>>> > giants are >>>> > more than a little angry... because they haven't figured out a way >>>> to >>>> > control his discovery, but the first thing you should know is. >>>> > >>>> > It's 100% Legal And >>>> > Works Anywhere In The World! >>>> > >>>> > That's right. Despite that cable companies hate him so much, they >>>> can't >>>> > stop him because what he does is 100% legal. For privacy sake, >>>> let's call >>>> > him Marshall. >>>> > >>>> > You see, Marshall and a group of technology experts spent close to >>>> two >>>> > years developing a simple, easy-to-use computer program that >>>> legally >>>> > "grabs" television >>>> > channels from all over the world and sends them to your computer >>>> through >>>> > the internet without hacking or cracking! Frankly, it's pure >>>> genius. >>>> > >>>> > And, with Marshall's new "grabber" software, you'll now have >>>> access to >>>> > stunning "must see" television channels from the U.S. and around >>>> the >>>> > world! It's >>>> > a monster-sized list of over-the-top programming and includes: >>>> > >>>> > Movies:A mountain of movie channels including action. comedy. >>>> romance. >>>> > and just about any genre you like! >>>> > >>>> > Sports: Can you even watch all these? Channels showing baseball, >>>> > football, soccer, basketball, tennis, and racing! Channels like >>>> ESPN >>>> > News, EuroSports TV, >>>> > GameSports TV, and Fox Network. There are channels for just about >>>> any >>>> > sport you can think of, even sporting events usually available >>>> only on >>>> > pay-per-view... >>>> > like ultimate fighting, martial arts, wrestling, and boxing! >>>> > >>>> > Music: The hottest music videos from all over the world! Some >>>> channels >>>> > you should check out are Deejay TV, Festival TV, Ministry Of >>>> Sound, Party >>>> > TV, and >>>> > Club TV! And on top of that, you also have access to an >>>> astonishing list >>>> > of 1,500 radio stations from around the world >>>> > >>>> > Premium Channels:Includes "unexpected" programming from channels >>>> like the >>>> > Comedy Central, MTV Overdrive, Euro TV, Discovery Channel, >>>> Broadway >>>> > Network, Game >>>> > Network, MovieStat Network, Adult Swim, National Geographic, Food >>>> > Network, Rapture TV, and Vintage Cartoons. These could be channels >>>> you >>>> > may be paying >>>> > a lot of money for right now. >>>> > >>>> > Educational: Some of the channels you should check out are >>>> Research TV, >>>> > The Academic Channel, Global Country, Strawberry TV and The Baby >>>> Channel. >>>> > You can >>>> > even sit in on tons of classroom lectures and even college >>>> classes! >>>> > >>>> > Astonishing Religious Selection: There's a lot of programming >>>> here, >>>> > probably more than you can count, from channels like The Church >>>> Channel, >>>> > Hope TV, Islam >>>> > Channel, Kabbalah, Word Of God, and Vatican TV to name just a >>>> few! >>>> > >>>> > Shopping: You can shop from all around the world.right from your >>>> couch! >>>> > Channels like Gems TV, Jewelry TV, Price-Drop TV, QVC, and Speed >>>> Auction. >>>> > Some of >>>> > these foreign shopping shows are a little off the wall, but they >>>> are >>>> > perfect for finding unusual gifts! >>>> > >>>> > News, Weather And Politics:Hundreds of channels with the latest >>>> news, >>>> > weather and politics from all over the world. explosive, live and >>>> > uncensored! There >>>> > are countless channels of ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX and PBS affiliates >>>> almost >>>> > everywhere you can think of. This means if you're from Texas but >>>> are >>>> > visiting California, >>>> > you can still tune in to your local favorite news station! And >>>> you'll be >>>> > more up to date than anyone you know... especially because. >>>> > >>>> > You Can Watch Channels That You Can't Get From Your Cable Or >>>> Satellite >>>> > Provider... Even If...You Paid Them! >>>> > >>>> > "Unlock the Super-TV in your computer today and watch more >>>> channels than >>>> > cable and satellite combined... completely free... watch whatever >>>> you >>>> > want... >>>> > whenever you want... with no monthly fees!" >>>> > >>>> > That's right. Many people don't know the extent of this, but what >>>> you can >>>> > watch on TV, cable, or satellite is very regulated and controlled >>>> by our >>>> > government >>>> > as well as foreign governments. There is a lot they don't want you >>>> to see >>>> > and, many things they don't want you to ever know about. However, >>>> since >>>> > this >>>> > program picks up channels through the internet and not through >>>> regular >>>> > TV, cable or satellite... you can now legally get access to these >>>> secret >>>> > channels >>>> > that you are actually not supposed to see! >>>> > >>>> > For example, you can watch... >>>> > >>>> > Health programs from around the world which offer very different >>>> methods >>>> > of healing sickness and disease. This type of programming is >>>> forbidden in >>>> > the U.S. >>>> > You can also watch news from countries around the world which is >>>> too hot >>>> > for U.S. audiences. And the best part is watching breaking news >>>> happen >>>> > live as >>>> > it unfolds, anywhere in the world. >>>> > >>>> > Many of these channels you'll have access to are from countries we >>>> are >>>> > not very friendly with. However, you will have access to these >>>> channels >>>> > and watching >>>> > them will truly open your eyes to what's REALLY going on in the >>>> world. >>>> > Trust me. you'll know more about the "truth" than almost anyone >>>> else you >>>> > know! >>>> > >>>> > There are also many other channels you'll be able to watch that >>>> aren't >>>> > offered in the U.S... but really should be! For example, as I'm >>>> writing >>>> > this I am >>>> > watching a killer soccer match on Goal From Belgium... which shows >>>> the >>>> > best soccer matches in the world, 24 hours a day! If you are a >>>> sports >>>> > fan, you will >>>> > really appreciate all the amazing channels like this one! >>>> > >>>> > You can also watch TV in English, Spanish, German, Arabic, >>>> French, >>>> > Italian, Russian, Dutch, and many other languages. In fact... >>>> > >>>> > You Can Get Channels From 78 Countries Around The World! >>>> > >>>> > If you have friends and relatives that speak a foreign language, >>>> they >>>> > will have a blast with this! Especially anyone that was born in a >>>> foreign >>>> > country... >>>> > they can now once again watch their favorite shows from their home >>>> town >>>> > that they grew up with. shows they love and miss so much! >>>> > >>>> > And if you're like me, you'll have a great time discovering >>>> interesting >>>> > and bizarre shows you never knew existed! In fact, even though >>>> some of >>>> > the channels >>>> > aren't exactly HD quality... the very act of "exploring" is >>>> flat-out >>>> > addictive. >>>> > >>>> > Listen: There's nothing quite like this TV "grabber" program >>>> anywhere on >>>> > the planet. And you don't need a sky card, smart card, satellite >>>> dish, >>>> > digital >>>> > box, receiver, or any cable or satellite service! >>>> > >>>> > Team Of Geeky Experts >>>> > Creates Amazing List Of >>>> > Jaw-Dropping Video Feeds! >>>> > >>>> > Here's the fascinating story: Shortly after Marshall moved to the >>>> United >>>> > States from Australia, he began to get suspicious of his cable >>>> company. >>>> > They were >>>> > charging him higher and higher prices every year. For quite some >>>> time, he >>>> > felt he was being taken advantage of. Well, one day Marshall found >>>> out he >>>> > was >>>> > wrong. Instead, he discovered. almost EVERYONE with monthly TV >>>> fees is >>>> > paying through the nose! >>>> > >>>> > He read about this in a special report by one of America's >>>> leading >>>> > consumer groups (Consumer Federation Of America and Consumer's >>>> Union, the >>>> > publisher of >>>> > Consumer Reports Magazine). The report said straight out that: >>>> "the >>>> > primary reason that cable rates have skyrocketed in recent years >>>> is that >>>> > cable companies >>>> > are taking advantage of their monopoly power." >>>> > >>>> > In short, this means that they charge high prices, month after >>>> month, >>>> > simply because they can! >>>> > >>>> > Marshall thought otherwise. He hired a team of experts and spent >>>> two >>>> > years developing an amazing alternative. without the high prices >>>> and high >>>> > subscription >>>> > fees! In fact, with this program. >>>> > >>>> > Save Up To $1000 Per Year >>>> > On Regular Cable And Satellite Bills! >>>> > >>>> > The way this computer program works is it basically communicates >>>> directly >>>> > with the servers of TV stations from all around the world. Cable >>>> and >>>> > Satellite >>>> > are actually 'middle-men' between you and these servers. but with >>>> this >>>> > computer program. the 'middle-men' are no longer needed! This also >>>> means >>>> > you can >>>> > watch many channels that the 'middle-men' don't give you access >>>> to! >>>> > >>>> > With the click of your mouse you choose the country you want to >>>> watch TV >>>> > from. You can also choose a genre - be it movies, music, culture, >>>> > education, news, >>>> > politics, religion, shopping, sports, weather, or other categories >>>> you >>>> > can choose from. Whatever you choose, the listings are in >>>> easy-to-read >>>> > alphabetical >>>> > order. All you do is click on the channel you want to watch and. >>>> it >>>> > plays! >>>> > >>>> > Just about anyone who uses this program finds it to be so >>>> interesting and >>>> > so liberating, they can't stop using it! >>>> > >>>> > Watch Free TV On Your PC >>>> > In Five Minutes Or Less! >>>> > >>>> > But that's not all. Obviously, this is no ordinary software >>>> program. It >>>> > allows folks with no computer skills whatsoever to turn their >>>> computer or >>>> > laptop >>>> > into a kind of high powered, digital satellite receiver in a >>>> matter of >>>> > minutes. >>>> > >>>> > It's easy to order. Just click on the "Buy Now" button at the >>>> bottom of >>>> > the page! >>>> > >>>> > You'll be taken to a 100% secure order page where you'll be asked >>>> for >>>> > your name and credit card details. Then, within only a few >>>> minutes. >>>> > you'll receive >>>> > download instructions titled Free "Super TV" . in your email >>>> account! >>>> > >>>> > How much does this program cost? The price is a one-time fee of >>>> only >>>> > $49.95. That's all you ever have to pay to watch all the channels >>>> forever >>>> > and, this >>>> > is pennies compared to what cable or satellite service can cost >>>> you month >>>> > after month over many years. >>>> > >>>> > One More Thing. It's Important. >>>> > >>>> > This program has become very popular with high school and college >>>> > students. Too popular in fact! Some of it's the video programming >>>> I'm >>>> > sure, but I think >>>> > that much of the popularity of the software among college kids >>>> lies in >>>> > the music options. There is an amazing list of stations that makes >>>> these >>>> > younger >>>> > kids almost crazy. So crazy in fact. >>>> > >>>> > Many Of Them Were Stealing The Software! >>>> > >>>> > Here's what happened. Once a few college kids found out about the >>>> > software and our generous money back guarantee, they would order >>>> it, >>>> > download it and then >>>> > ask for a refund. all in a few seconds. Like clockwork. Guess >>>> what >>>> > happened then? They would tell a friend, who would tell a friend >>>> and then >>>> > the next thing >>>> > you know the whole dorm had repeated the process. One night it was >>>> 293 >>>> > downloads. all free. >>>> > >>>> > With that in mind they changed the guarantee to an even more >>>> generous but >>>> > conditional. >>>> > >>>> > Double Your Money Back Guarantee! >>>> > >>>> > Here's what they mean by that. Simply download the software and >>>> start to >>>> > watch all the programs you want and listen to all the radio you >>>> want for >>>> > six months. >>>> > You'll enjoy all the updates, new channel additions and new >>>> programming >>>> > during this time. (They'll also surprise you with other free >>>> software >>>> > downloads >>>> > during your trial.) Then, after six months, if you do decide you >>>> would >>>> > like a refund, simply contact customer service at 815-259-4552 or >>>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>>> > to make your request. You'll be given an immediate credit for >>>> $100.00 >>>> > (double what you paid) towards any Solutions From Science product >>>> or >>>> > products. It's >>>> > the strongest possible guarantee they could think of that would at >>>> least >>>> > slow down the scammers. >>>> > >>>> > Why would they do this? Why would Solutions From Science offer a >>>> "double" >>>> > guarantee? Because they do not think that you will ask for a >>>> refund after >>>> > six >>>> > months. They think you are going to absolutely love the direct >>>> access >>>> > "grabber" software. and they think once you try it. >>>> > >>>> > You Will Be One Of Their >>>> > Customers For The Rest >>>> > Of Your Life! >>>> > >>>> > It's that simple. Thanks for reading this important message. >>>> > >>>> > Warmly, >>>> > >>>> > Gary Phelps >>>> > >>>> > P.S. Does all this seem too good to be true? Well, that's what I >>>> thought >>>> > too until I checked out the company and then downloaded the >>>> software for >>>> > myself. >>>> > It all checks out. And yes it's most definitely addictive. But >>>> there is >>>> > the one little drawback I found and it's this: All the channels >>>> seem to >>>> > take about >>>> > 5 seconds to load so it's a little slower changing channels. >>>> That's the >>>> > catch. If you can live with that, this new software will blow your >>>> mind. >>>> > >>>> > P.P.S. You should also know that you don't have to worry about >>>> annoying >>>> > pop-ups, spy ware or any of that nonsense when you order this >>>> software. >>>> > And, your >>>> > email address will be guarded like a pit bull guards his house. >>>> > Order Online RIGHT NOW! >>>> > >>>> > Yes Gary! I have read the website and I want to watch Satellite TV >>>> on my >>>> > computer in the next 5 minutes! After I click "Order Now" below, >>>> please >>>> > rush me >>>> > to the download page where I can download and install my software >>>> in >>>> > seconds! >>>> > >>>> > Buy Now! >>>> > >>>> > Order Online By Safe Secure Server >>>> > >>>> > **System Requirements: Win 9x/Me/2000/XP/Vista 32 bit** >>>> > >>>> > Contact Customer Service >>>> > >>>> > Michael Thanks You... >>>> > TickTalk Publishing Invites You... >>>> > And www.ticktalk.net Welcomes You... >>>> > Read Our Stories And Have A Better Life! >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... >>>> > http://www.pc-audio.org >>>> > >>>> > To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: >>>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... >>>> > http://www.pc-audio.org >>>> > >>>> > To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: >>>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > -- >>>> > No virus found in this incoming message. >>>> > Checked by AVG. >>>> > Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.4/1478 - Release Date: >>>> > 02/06/2008 07:12 >>>> > >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... >>>> http://www.pc-audio.org >>>> >>>> To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: >>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> Michael Thanks You... >>> TickTalk Publishing Invites You... >>> And www.ticktalk.net Welcomes You... >>> Read Our Stories And Have A Better Life! >>> ____________________________________________________________ >>> Click for free home mortgage rates from top companies. >>> http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL2141/fc/Ioyw6i3m36jzVlYL9OR7s6s7vNOGQDLetuOqwstMFf9O5f1EjyeZpc/ >>> >>> >>> Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... >>> http://www.pc-audio.org >>> >>> To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] >> >> >> >> Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... >> http://www.pc-audio.org >> >> To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... > http://www.pc-audio.org > > To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... http://www.pc-audio.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]