Hi Don,

Thanks for this.  Hidemyip.com have a free trial.  If you are outside the US:

1. Launch Internet Explorer.

2. Go to Tools, Internet Options.

3. Ctrl+tab to the Connections tab.

4. Press space on Local Area Network Settings.

5. Check the use a proxy server checkbox.

6. Set the Proxy Server Address to us.pickaproxy.com and the  Proxy Server Port 
to 8125.

7. Press enter on OK, then again on the next OK, to close.

8. Close and restart Internet Explorer (I'm not sure if this step is absolutely 

9. Open www.939online.com/cc-common/streaming_new/index.html?refreshed=yes

It Worked for me, but as a trial, you only have a limited time.  I didn't find 
the pricing on their service.

Barry Chapman

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Donald L. Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2008 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: Streaming Clear Channel Stations

If you folks outside of the USA really want to hear those clear
channel streams, one option is to go to

and get the program which makes your IP look like something from
the United States.  A disclaimer, however.  I have not used this
program but have heard from reliable sources that it works,
although I do not know the cost.

One other thing.  In terms of accessibility, their web site 
stinks.  I just went there, and there were quite a few unlabeled 

Don Roberts

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