    I have a bit of a dilemma.  A local restaurant wants to play cds of my 
musical group as  background music.  These would be sold to the public also. 
Their system (I don't know what kind it is) won't play the cds at all, it 
could be as old as fifteen years, and it might be older.  Yet, the cds will 
play on any other unit, in a car, or portable unit that we have tried.  This 
large player in the restaurant easily plays commercially made disks.  I 
recorded them using Goldwave  at 44100 using.wave files, of course.
I have made the master cds using Premier Cd recorder.
    Could their be varying bit rates that I am not aware of, or some setting 
in the premier cd recorder or Goldwave. that I might need to alter so these 
will play on an older machine?
    By the way, I don't understand anything about bit rates and why any 
other machine but this older large commercial unit
 won't play these particular disks.
Thanks for help and suggestions.
Vinny Samarco 

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