I find it as reliable as human error will allow! :-) It can take a while though. If I'm listening to a particularly long file, I'll stop listening periodically to save a bookmark. This comes in handy when the battery runs down. I'll also try to recharge frequently so as not to lose my place when the battery dies. BTW, I don't think there are any visual queues since there's no display.
Jerry Richer wrote: > You can fast forward and rewind in a file with the Zenstone. While > useful the feature doesn't seem to be completely reliable for a blind > person. Often when activating either of these features I manage only to > skip forward and back one file. The same sort of thing happens when turning > it on or off or when switching between other features. I'll bet there are > visual queues to tell you whether you're doing what you think. I'm told > that a bookmark feature is lacking from a lot of MP3 players. I have an > audio book in one 21 hour long file. It's difficult to listen to on the > Zenstone without listening to other files while I'm reading the book because > I would always have to start the book from the beginning every time I return > to it from another file. I can fast forward but it takes too much time. > What I'm doing right now is dividing the 21 hour long book into one hour > chunks for listening to on my Zenstone. > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii > > Jerry > > Chirp|Chirp|Chirp: It's the Bat, Chirping Bat .Com > ! Edirol R-09: high quality portable stereo Secure Digital Audio recorder > with USB, $359.00, includes delivery within the USA, add $35.00 outside, > www.chirpingbat.com/edirol.shtml > ! DEC-TALK USB: $650.00, includes delivery within the USA, add $35 outside, > www.chirpingbat.com/dectalkusb.shtml > ! J-Say 4.0 without Naturally Speaking: $650.00, > www.chirpingbat.com/j-say.shtml > ! Window Eyes 6.0: $895, includes delivery in the USA, > www.ChirpingBat.Com/windoweyes.shtml > ! Triple Talk: USB $450, includes delivery within the USA, add $35 outside, > www.ChirpingBat.Com/tripletalk.shtml > ! Sound Forge 9.0 with CD Architect 5.2 and Noise Reduction 2.0: $289, > includes delivery within the USA, add $35 outside, > www.ChirpingBat.Com/soundforge.shtml > ! We accept PayPal All Major Credit Cards, money orders, checks, wire > transfers, etc. > We ship Internationally. Click to convert our prices into your currency at: > www.xe.com/ucc/full.shtml > > Reach BA Software in the United States at: > Phone: 1-518-572-6092 weekdays, 1-518-359-8538 other, Email: > [EMAIL PROTECTED], Skype name adirondackbat, WWW: www.ChirpingBat.Com > > > > Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... > http://www.pc-audio.org > > To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > -- Christopher [EMAIL PROTECTED] Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... http://www.pc-audio.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]