Have you tried finding your place in the file with a media player while Zen
Stone's hooked up to the computer, unhooking it and pressing the start
button?  I'm wondering if this will start the file where you left off on the

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Jerry Richer
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 12:57 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Creative ZenStone

     You can fast forward and rewind in a file with the Zenstone.  While
useful the feature doesn't seem to be completely reliable for a blind
person.  Often when activating either of these features I manage only to
skip forward and back one file.  The same sort of thing happens when turning
it on or off or when switching between other features.  I'll bet there are
visual queues to tell you whether you're doing what you think.  I'm told
that a bookmark feature is lacking from a lot of MP3 players.  I have an
audio book in one 21 hour long file.  It's difficult to listen to on the
Zenstone without listening to other files while I'm reading the book because
I would always have to start the book from the beginning every time I return
to it from another file.  I can fast forward but it takes too much time.
What I'm doing right now is dividing the 21 hour long book into one hour
chunks for listening to on my Zenstone.


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