when you want to have Replay AV just record in the format that it will play 
in choose nothing to convert into. this way; it will always be an mp3.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Sanfilippo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 1:41 PM
Subject: ReplayAV, cap file, and tuning

> Hi all,
> Re capture files: Sometimes when Replay 8 captures, it captures to a
> file.cap file. Sometimes it captures to file.asf. When it captures to asf,
> the file will play in WinAmp or something. When it captures to cap, 
> Windows
> has no idea what to play it in. All I can do is wait for Replay to convert
> the cap file to the format of choice, usually mp3. Is there a way to get
> Replay to always capture to a playable format? Or is there a way to play a
> cap file directly?
> Re tuning: Many times, when focused on a show or radio station, whether it
> is capturing or not, pressing control t plays the audio or audio and 
> video.
> But, sometimes, I see/hear that a show is capturing, but whenI press 
> control
> t to hear the current show, nothing happens. Is this normal, or have I got
> something wrong?
> ,
> Help appreciated,
> John S
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