Ok here goes I'll try to be concise.
When you go to the output plugins and configure your current plugin whether 
it be waveout.dll or directsound. There is a tab control for fading. There 
is an edit box to set fade lenth and all of that. There are also five things 
that can be checked or unchecked. Fade on stop, fade on start, fade on seek, 
You might also have to set your buffer lenth in the buffer tab I'm not sure 
about this part but I'm sure someone can correct me.
I know that is not step-by-step but if you need more help I have no problem 
having an msn chat or offlist emailing.
Another quick note, the sqr plugin is great but I found it to be buggy 
sometimes especially when playing more than one format in a playlist.
hope this helps

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