Thanks for trying to help.  i'm not sure exactly how to find the URL or the 
link with the source code or XML or whatever it is.  in looking down the 
page, the latest messages don't show these. The first I could find was


is that what it should look like? I'm having trouble searching out these 
podcasts in any of the directories, so am not quite sure what i'm doing 
wrong. if you'd be willing to go to and look under the 
link for recent messages, I think my question would make a bit more sense. i 
think I understand the concept and have a feeling that if i can get this one 
added i'll actually understand how this is done.  Again, thanks very much 
for the help.


----- Original Message ----- 
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: how to subscribe to a podcast not in the directory

> High Susan,
> I myself am a Juice user.
> Once you find the podcast feed you want to subscribe to, coppy the URL.
> Then go in to file minue, then right airol to tules.
> Scrole down to whare it says add a feed, press inter on it, and you will
> hear Jaws say add a feed, edit.
> Paste the URL in right there, and then tab over to the save butten, press
> inter on it, and you're all done!
> I hope this helps.
> If not, write me off list at:
> and I will see if I can help you some more with Juice.
> You take care now, peace out!
>   John Price.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Susan Wojtecki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 3:46 PM
> Subject: how to subscribe to a podcast not in the directory
>> Hi everyone,
>> i have a question regarding subscribing to a podcast feed not already in
>> the
>> directory.  The site i am looking at is which 
>> offered
>> .mp3 downloads of the pastor's homilies to 2007, but which now seems to
>> only
>> offer the downloads and/or live stream either through itunes or some 
>> other
>> web-based player.  This podcast does not seem to be part of the Replay-AV
>> database and I am too new to Juice, (having just downloaded it) to know
>> how
>> to search its entire directory and the specifics involved in adding a
>> podcast.  Can anyone advise me of the most straightforward way to
>> subscribe
>> to the podcast feed with either of these programs?  i will probably write
>> to
>> the web developers to see whether or not they can continue to add the 
>> .mp3
>> feeds with the newer content but was hoping to solve the problem on my
>> own.
>> Needless to say, I don't see access via itunes as remotely possible
>> without
>> sighted help and/or money I do not have spent on scripts which may or may
>> not work well.  Hope I have been clear in conveying what I want to
>> accomplish. Many thanks as always for any suggestions.
>> susan
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