Hi everyone,
i have a question regarding subscribing to a podcast feed not already in the 
directory.  The site i am looking at is www.liquidchurch.com which offered 
.mp3 downloads of the pastor's homilies to 2007, but which now seems to only 
offer the downloads and/or live stream either through itunes or some other 
web-based player.  This podcast does not seem to be part of the Replay-AV 
database and I am too new to Juice, (having just downloaded it) to know how 
to search its entire directory and the specifics involved in adding a 
podcast.  Can anyone advise me of the most straightforward way to subscribe 
to the podcast feed with either of these programs?  i will probably write to 
the web developers to see whether or not they can continue to add the .mp3 
feeds with the newer content but was hoping to solve the problem on my own. 
Needless to say, I don't see access via itunes as remotely possible without 
sighted help and/or money I do not have spent on scripts which may or may 
not work well.  Hope I have been clear in conveying what I want to 
accomplish. Many thanks as always for any suggestions.


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