Yes, I would expect that it would be more usable for Mac users, lol, 
considering how it was developed in the first place. i've heard one demo 
with the new Apple voiceover interface and can see that it might be doable 
if i had a Mac, but so far I can't even figure out the installation, much 
less anything else. From what I gleaned from Brian's website, I'm not even 
sure whether he is still working on the scripts. He indicated that it should 
be possible to import podcast feeds to Juice, and since the itunes store 
sounds to be only partially accessible I see little reason to fight with a 
program that is likely to be more frustrating than not, see other message. 
Glad it is working for you and whoever else, though.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dane Trethowan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: confusion about itunes

> Itunes is a complete music manager, Play MP3's, buy music over the
> Internet, subcribe, download and manage podcasts etc.
> Is it accessible? Depends on who you talk to I guess. If you own a
> Mac then the answer is a definate yes. Having said that though, I'm
> aware of many users who use Windows who access the software without
> (it seems) too much trouble, I guess its the old saying, if you want
> to access something and you sit down for 3 minutes to have a look at
> what you're trying to access then its likely that you'll find some
> way around the problem.
> On 17/09/2007, at 10:01 PM, Susan Wojtecki wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have heard folks say that itunes is relatively inaccessible but am not
> entirely sure what that means.  Does itunes refer to a player, a
> proprietary
> format, a product for download or what?  Specifically, can I play
> downloaded
> content from the itunes store without installation of the itunes
> program/player on my PC and/or an ipodder, and is the process for
> selecting/purchasing this content relatively accessible?  I was on Brian
> hartgen's webpage last night in hopes of getting some clarification
> regarding the status of the Itunes scripts i'd heard about but found
> that
> this confused rather than clarified the matter for me. Basically my
> interest
> in using itunes is to explore certain podcasts, TV shows and
> audiobooks that
> may not be available elsewhere for download to my computer or a
> portable HD
> which i anticipate purchasing in the near future.  i would appreciate
> any
> useful information and/or experiences on any of this. Thanks in
> advance for
> allowing me to admit my embarrassing ignorance on the subject, smile.
> Susan
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