Hi everyone,
I have heard folks say that itunes is relatively inaccessible but am not 
entirely sure what that means.  Does itunes refer to a player, a proprietary 
format, a product for download or what?  Specifically, can I play downloaded 
content from the itunes store without installation of the itunes 
program/player on my PC and/or an ipodder, and is the process for 
selecting/purchasing this content relatively accessible?  I was on Brian 
hartgen's webpage last night in hopes of getting some clarification 
regarding the status of the Itunes scripts i'd heard about but found that 
this confused rather than clarified the matter for me. Basically my interest 
in using itunes is to explore certain podcasts, TV shows and audiobooks that 
may not be available elsewhere for download to my computer or a portable HD 
which i anticipate purchasing in the near future.  i would appreciate any 
useful information and/or experiences on any of this. Thanks in advance for 
allowing me to admit my embarrassing ignorance on the subject, smile.


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