Until you told me about the shift f11 thing, I had set up a frame for
clickint the lock talk button, and one for the mic on/off toggle.
However, where we run into trouble is unless you do a say line with
jaws, you got no idea where you are that is to say in the queue and
playlist scroll lists. That's a pain but it works well enough. The other
pain is the constant updating of information in the queue and the mp3
encoder list jaws will constantly speak it if it's highlighted so you
need to be careful with that also.
You just need to think outside the box with it is all.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve Matzura
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 12:11 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: sam party dj

On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 17:07:55 +1000, you wrote:

>To a certain extent yes it will. Unfortunately for us, it uses a delfi 
>interface which means you'll get littlt to no access without doing some

>jiggery pokery with jaws.

I'd sure like to know what sorts of jp you were able to conjure up,
because I've just been flat-out unsuccessful with it. That's why I'm so
surprised how well Window-Eyes works with it without a single

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