High Larry and Tom,
I ran in to this kind of a problem to many times before.
Before I got in to computers, I was and still am heavyly in to audio.
This is the one thing that both audio cd players and cd drives for computers 
and even dvd players have in comend with each other.
Over a periet of time, real fine dust particals will deposit themselves on 
the lazer lense.
When that happens, that's when these machines have a problem playing back 
any cd or dvd you put in them.
Their are lazer linse cleaning kits that you can use to get the dust deposit 
off of the linse.
After cleaning the linse, these dvd players cd players and even computer 
cd/dvd drives are like new again.
Try cleaning the lazer linse with one of these linse cleaning kits and see 
if that solves the problem.
If it dosen't, then that's the time to replace the cd/dvd drive.
My best regards to you all.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: CD drive will burn, but reads inconsistently

> Hey Tom,
> Thanks for those suggestions. I did find that after putting a disc
> into the burner for reading, that when afterward placing the same
> disc in my Victor Reader Classic, that the medium was rejected. I've
> thought about the possibility that the drive might be defective in
> such a way as to make the laser capable of doing some kind of damage
> to discs, but thought that might be a bit paranoid and over the top,
> but I guess not. It might just be time for a new burner. I've had this
> Lite-on for a little over three years. As a matter of fact, it came
> with my computer. I'm definitely open to any other possible
> suggestions. After all, if to further troubleshoot this problem is to
> destroy my music, I can hardly justify doing that.
> Thanks a bunch,
> Larry
> At 05:20 AM 6/6/2007, you wrote:
>>Does the CD drive read commercially produced discs OK?
>>Can you use the discs burned on the problematic drive on
>>other disc drives or players?
>>Do you have Nero do a simulation before doing the burn?
>>I'm wondering if when you burn a CD the drive might burn it
>>badly and therefore it can be read only once or twice before
>>the disc degrades.
>>Moer questions than answers, sorry about that but CD burners
>>have done real strange things for me.
>>** Message Separator **
>> >For some reason, my cd drive/burner seems to have trouble
>> >reading discs within Windows Explorer. No matter how many
>> >times I try reinserting discs, I receive the dialog box
>> >telling me that I need to place a disc in the drive, or
>> >something to that affect. This makes it hard to understand
>> >how Nero has no trouble burning cds at all. It seems to me
>> >that burning should be next to impossible if previously
>> >burned discs can't be read in the first place.
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