John, thanks for this, I'll get hold of one and give it a go,
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Price" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 4:39 AM
Subject: Re: CD drive will burn, but reads inconsistently

> Hello TrueBlue and Proud,
> I once had a fisher highfigh double cd player/burner that gave me that
> problem eather way.
> A few times, I couldn't burn cds on it because it had a derty lazer linse.
> But when I popped one of those linse cleaning kits in to it, it allowed me
> to not only play cds, I was also able to go back to coppying one cd to
> another cd wich is the real reason why I bot that machine in the first
> place.
> But try cleaning the lazer linse and see if your dvd drive will do what 
> it's
> suppose to do.
> My best regards to you all.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "TrueBlue & Proud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 3:24 PM
> Subject: Re: CD drive will burn, but reads inconsistently
>> John, I have the exact opesit problem with my dvd/cd burner. I can play
>> discs all right, but the drive just won't burn discs,
>> Same problem maybe?,
>> Billy
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "John Price" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 4:59 PM
>> Subject: Re: CD drive will burn, but reads inconsistently
>>> High Larry and Tom,
>>> I ran in to this kind of a problem to many times before.
>>> Before I got in to computers, I was and still am heavyly in to audio.
>>> This is the one thing that both audio cd players and cd drives for
>>> computers
>>> and even dvd players have in comend with each other.
>>> Over a periet of time, real fine dust particals will deposit themselves
>>> on
>>> the lazer lense.
>>> When that happens, that's when these machines have a problem playing 
>>> back
>>> any cd or dvd you put in them.
>>> Their are lazer linse cleaning kits that you can use to get the dust
>>> deposit
>>> off of the linse.
>>> After cleaning the linse, these dvd players cd players and even computer
>>> cd/dvd drives are like new again.
>>> Try cleaning the lazer linse with one of these linse cleaning kits and
>>> see
>>> if that solves the problem.
>>> If it dosen't, then that's the time to replace the cd/dvd drive.
>>> My best regards to you all.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Larry Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 10:07 AM
>>> Subject: Re: CD drive will burn, but reads inconsistently
>>>> Hey Tom,
>>>> Thanks for those suggestions. I did find that after putting a disc
>>>> into the burner for reading, that when afterward placing the same
>>>> disc in my Victor Reader Classic, that the medium was rejected. I've
>>>> thought about the possibility that the drive might be defective in
>>>> such a way as to make the laser capable of doing some kind of damage
>>>> to discs, but thought that might be a bit paranoid and over the top,
>>>> but I guess not. It might just be time for a new burner. I've had this
>>>> Lite-on for a little over three years. As a matter of fact, it came
>>>> with my computer. I'm definitely open to any other possible
>>>> suggestions. After all, if to further troubleshoot this problem is to
>>>> destroy my music, I can hardly justify doing that.
>>>> Thanks a bunch,
>>>> Larry
>>>> At 05:20 AM 6/6/2007, you wrote:
>>>>>Does the CD drive read commercially produced discs OK?
>>>>>Can you use the discs burned on the problematic drive on
>>>>>other disc drives or players?
>>>>>Do you have Nero do a simulation before doing the burn?
>>>>>I'm wondering if when you burn a CD the drive might burn it
>>>>>badly and therefore it can be read only once or twice before
>>>>>the disc degrades.
>>>>>Moer questions than answers, sorry about that but CD burners
>>>>>have done real strange things for me.
>>>>>** Message Separator **
>>>>> >For some reason, my cd drive/burner seems to have trouble
>>>>> >reading discs within Windows Explorer. No matter how many
>>>>> >times I try reinserting discs, I receive the dialog box
>>>>> >telling me that I need to place a disc in the drive, or
>>>>> >something to that affect. This makes it hard to understand
>>>>> >how Nero has no trouble burning cds at all. It seems to me
>>>>> >that burning should be next to impossible if previously
>>>>> >burned discs can't be read in the first place.
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