What you're looking for on that page is a button.  I think it will say 'full 
button' or full version button'.  However, If I remember right, the B 
navigation key does not pick it up.  You're having trouble because what you 
want is buried in that table describing all the versions and features.  The 
buttons are near the bottom.

>>> "Adrian Spratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/13/07 1:47 PM >>>

Hi, everyone.  This is going to sound lame, but I can't figure out how to 
download the free version of Winamp.  I go to the download page, select the 
"full" version download which seems to be free (it's not the Pro version), 
and am linked to a download confirmation page.  That's where I'm stumped. 
The only download links on that page are for what appear to be two songs.

Any suggestions?  Also, since my immediate objective is to try to ppick up 
the Lords cricket feed, which seems to require Winamp, am I right in 
thinking that I need only a free version?


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