Hi.  If you're using JAWS 8 it's been recommended that you stick with 
the scripts that come with JAWS 8, as it seems like those other 
scripts only screw things up. however, on a few systems i've heard 
about, the scripts actually make the library more accessible if you 
use earlier versions of Winamp. I say this because if you're using 
the latest beta version, a lot of the accessibility issues of the 
media library have been somewhat addressed. It's not entirely perfect 
but it's a lot better than it was before!!!

So, if you make good use of the media library and you have JAWS 8 and 
don't mind betas, give the latest Winamp beta a try and see how it 
works for you.

At 01:21 PM 4/13/2007, you wrote:
>Absolutely, and I should have remembered from previous postings. Related
>question, which has also been asked and answered. As I recall, JAWS 8, which
>I use, incorporates Winamp scripts. However, the White Stick website also
>makes JAWS scripts available. Should I download those, especially for this
>.34 beta?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Bruce Toews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Make things easy on yourself. Go to www.whitestick.co.uk and choose the
>downloads page. You'll find the latest version there in a nice
>easy-to-swallow form.
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