I will try here to provide a summary of all that is known about accessing GameDay Audio. I'm answering a couple private queries and a list all at once. Remember as I go through this that there are several ways of accomplishing something in Windows.
First, it is my experience so far that the system works. When I don't get audio, it has been because I wasn't signed in, even though sometimes I thought I was. Beyond that, I can't help with the no audio problem. Here's what I know. the link to get you straight to the Multimedia Center, where audio links are found, is this: http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mediacenter/index.jsp I tend to do this backwards. I go to the game, knowingly get no sound, sign in, then refresh the media player page. So to get to the game, the easiest way is to search for the radio station that carries the game. You can also use table navigation to peruse the available games. the station will be a link, activating it will bring up the media player, but you won't hear anything yet. At this point, alt-tab back to the media center and use the links list to pull up Register - Login. When you reach this page, find the fields for email address and password. the system seems to retain nothing between sessions, so enter those. You'll then get to the member info page. Now alt-tab back to the media player and hit F5 to refresh it. Shortly, you'll hear sound, unless you're in a commercial break for one of the networks that silences them. thanks to Kelly Ford, we now know that if you're using windows Media Player 11, and perhaps earlier editions, you can control the volume of the stream independent of the synthesizer using windows Media Player keystrokes. to do this, turn off your screen reader's special web navigation mode, whatever it is called. For JAWS users, hit insert-z, window-Eyes users, shift-Ctrl-a. Now shift-tab until you hear something like "unnamed-20." Now, experiment. with WMP 11, F8 lowers the volume and F9 raises it. In WmP10, F9 and F10 are the lower and raise keystrokes. You may or may not need to use your screen readers pass through or bypass key; I didn't have to do so with JAWS 8. I'm sure many will correct this post, and as I say, one can do things in a different order than I do them, but I'm trying to answer several questions in one post. Dean Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... http://www.pc-audio.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]