I don't know when this note will post but I'm having the same trouble with 
Window-eyes. I turn MSAA off and hear "custom control" once then nothing 
happens. Sure wish I could fix it.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry N" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: a couple questins regarding gameday audio and choosing a 

> Hmm, guess I'm the od man out here. I'm following instructions to the
> letter, but still no audio. Also, when in the player with Jaws 8.0 and
> pressing insertZ, then shift tabbing, the address of the player is spoken
> but nothing more. I'm not hearing what I'm supposed to hear in order to
> adjust volume with WMP. Then again, I have no volume to adjust. LOL. So, 
> I'm
> back to the drawing board it seems.
> Larry
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "dennis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 4:36 PM
> Subject: Re: a couple questins regarding gameday audio and choosing a
> player?
>> holy cow dean you did it. that was the problem. it works. thats great! i
>> don't know how you found this but i'm happy now.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Dean Martineau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 1:26 PM
>> Subject: Re: a couple questins regarding gameday audio and choosing a
>> player?
>>> I will try here to provide a summary of all that is known about
>>> accessing GameDay Audio.  I'm answering a couple private queries and
>>> a list all at once.  Remember as I go through this that there are
>>> several ways of accomplishing something in Windows.
>>> First, it is my experience so far that the system works.  When I
>>> don't get audio, it has been because I wasn't signed in, even though
>>> sometimes I thought I was.  Beyond that, I can't help with the no
>>> audio problem.
>>> Here's what I know.
>>> the link to get you straight to the Multimedia Center, where audio
>>> links are found, is this:
>>> http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mediacenter/index.jsp
>>> I tend to do this backwards.  I go to the game, knowingly get no
>>> sound, sign in, then refresh the media player page.  So to get to the
>>> game, the easiest way is to search for the radio station that carries
>>> the game.  You can also use table navigation to peruse the available
>>> games.  the station will be a link, activating it will bring up the
>>> media player, but you won't hear anything yet.
>>> At this point, alt-tab back to the media center and use the links
>>> list to pull up Register - Login.  When you reach this page, find the
>>> fields for email address and password.  the system seems to retain
>>> nothing between sessions, so enter those.  You'll then get to the
>>> member info page.  Now alt-tab back to the media player and hit F5 to
>>> refresh it.  Shortly, you'll hear sound, unless you're in a
>>> commercial break for one of the networks that silences them.
>>> thanks to Kelly Ford, we now know that if you're using windows Media
>>> Player 11, and perhaps earlier editions, you can control the volume
>>> of the stream independent of the synthesizer using windows Media
>>> Player keystrokes.  to do this,  turn off your screen reader's
>>> special web navigation mode, whatever it is called.  For JAWS users,
>>> hit insert-z, window-Eyes users, shift-Ctrl-a.  Now shift-tab until
>>> you hear something like "unnamed-20."  Now, experiment.  with WMP 11,
>>> F8 lowers the volume and F9 raises it.  In WmP10, F9 and F10 are the
>>> lower and raise keystrokes.  You may or may not need to use your
>>> screen readers pass through or bypass key; I didn't have to do so
>>> with JAWS 8.
>>> I'm sure many will correct this post, and as I say, one can do things
>>> in a different order than I do them, but I'm trying to answer several
>>> questions in one post.
>>> Dean
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