Ah, ok. thanks for that.

On 10/12/2006, at 2:00 AM, Peter Scanlon wrote:

Thats the little brother of the Book Port

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dane Trethowan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 1:20 AM
Subject: Re: The best MP3 player

> I've just found something else called the Book Courier which seems to
> be more my thing, trying to hunt up specs on it now.
> On 10/12/2006, at 12:50 AM, Peter Scanlon wrote:
> Or put a phone in my Braille Note!
> Now if I could have a phone that could do that plus have a daisy  
> reader,
> that would be just right.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dane Trethowan" <
> To: "PC audio discussion list." <
> pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2006 10:58 PM
> Subject: The best MP3 player
>> Hi everyone!
>> A very interesting thread this one but (for my needs at least) the
>> Bookport doesn't seem to be the best MP3 player but it is by no means
>> the only accessible mp3 player around. Take for example my Nokia N70
>> mobile phone using the Talks software, no trouble whatsoever
>> accessing the MP3 music player on that and no trouble whatsoever
>> transferring files to the phone from my computers or downloading them
>> from the net as the phone is both USB and bluetooth compatible, its a
>> "WCDMA" phone so you have the added benefit of broad-band internet
>> speeds for uploading and downloading, I've been using this little
>> beauty for ten months.
>> Then of course there is my Iriver 340 which I've had for nearly 2
>> years now which has served me well with its ability to record, its
>> ease of upgrading to thigns such as Rockbox and the like etc.
>> Then I have my CD Players here which will play MP3 files and so it
>> goes on.
>> Well I looked at the Bookport and I have to admit it looks very nice
>> particularly if you're wanting to read allot of books etc but the
>> only downlside for my needs at least was the fact that I couldn't
>> find out whether this device could record say from a "line-in" audio
>> source, quite frankly for the amount of money I'd be paying for one
>> of these things I'd expect that to be part and parcel of the machine
>> but I do understand and respect the fact that everyone's needs are
>> different to everyone elses so therefor I'm reluctant to knock any
>> one product in favour of another.
>> Dane Trethowan
>> Positive power and feeling from me is yours.
>> Phone: +61 3 9747 3975
>> Fax: +61 3 9743 7954
>> mobile: +61425 777 508
>> Messenger:
>> skype: grtdane12
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> Peter Scanlon
> Phone: 03 9878 3623
> Phone 03 8684 6160
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> Dane Trethowan
> Positive power and feeling from me is yours.
> Phone: +61 3 9747 3975
> Fax: +61 3 9743 7954
> mobile: +61425 777 508
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> skype: grtdane12
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Dane Trethowan
Positive power and feeling from me is yours.
Phone: +61 3 9747 3975
Fax: +61 3 9743 7954
mobile: +61425 777 508
skype: grtdane12

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