best thing about the book port or book courier is the ease of scanning 
through a file to locate your place. the worst thing is the transfer speed. 
Damn slow.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dane Trethowan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list." <>
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2006 6:58 AM
Subject: The best MP3 player

Hi everyone!
A very interesting thread this one but (for my needs at least) the
Bookport doesn't seem to be the best MP3 player but it is by no means
the only accessible mp3 player around. Take for example my Nokia N70
mobile phone using the Talks software, no trouble whatsoever
accessing the MP3 music player on that and no trouble whatsoever
transferring files to the phone from my computers or downloading them
from the net as the phone is both USB and bluetooth compatible, its a
"WCDMA" phone so you have the added benefit of broad-band internet
speeds for uploading and downloading, I've been using this little
beauty for ten months.
Then of course there is my Iriver 340 which I've had for nearly 2
years now which has served me well with its ability to record, its
ease of upgrading to thigns such as Rockbox and the like etc.
Then I have my CD Players here which will play MP3 files and so it
goes on.
Well I looked at the Bookport and I have to admit it looks very nice
particularly if you're wanting to read allot of books etc but the
only downlside for my needs at least was the fact that I couldn't
find out whether this device could record say from a "line-in" audio
source, quite frankly for the amount of money I'd be paying for one
of these things I'd expect that to be part and parcel of the machine
but I do understand and respect the fact that everyone's needs are
different to everyone elses so therefor I'm reluctant to knock any
one product in favour of another.

Dane Trethowan
Positive power and feeling from me is yours.
Phone: +61 3 9747 3975
Fax: +61 3 9743 7954
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