Do 32-bit cards even exist yet? I've not heard of any, but yet many 
recording programs support recording for what would be that format if it 
comes out.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 9:06 AM
Subject: Feeling like an idiot never felt so good!

> Hi, and hope the subject line got your attention <g>.
> What I am talking about is the rather late discovery of 24 bit audio
> on my Audigy soundcard this past weekend. I was reading some old mail
> on another list, and happened to read a discussion about the new
> audio leveling options in Winamp 5.3 which are found in the playback
> options dialog box. Now here's where my idiocy comes in. I've been
> using this card for the past four years or so, and never realized
> that the option for using 24byt audio was to be found there. I
> frankly had never looked there in order to make any adjustments up to
> that point. I have been using the MAD encoder plugin for a while, and
> had tried upping the encoder to 24 bit, but with no satisfactory
> results. Well after changing the option to reflect 24 bit in winamp,
> then upping to 24 bit in the decoder, I experienced nothing short of
> an epiphany. I simply couldn't believe the difference it made in
> overall audio output, and range. I am now able to follow bass lines
> that I couldn't before, and much more. Anyway, the reason I'm telling
> this story at the risk of having my idiocy confirmed, I would like to
> know just how much of a difference a 32byt sound card could actually
> make with mp3 files, and could I stand it <g>? And on top of that, if
> the change would truly be worthwhile, what would be the best  and
> most economical choice in soundcards today. I guess a case could be
> made for just continuing with the Creative line, especially since
> I've been so taken with it's performance, but would be open to 
> suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Larry
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