A .RAR file isn't an audio file.  It is a file that has been saved 
using the .RAR compression format.  One free program that you can use 
to extract the files from the .RAR file is 7-ZIP available from 
www.7-zip.org.  If you are expecting an audio file it is likely that 
you will be able to play the audio file once the file has been 
extracted from the .RAR file.

At 12:40 AM 24/06/2006, you wrote:
>I downloaded something I wanted to hear but it says it's a RAR file, and
>none of my 3 players will play it.  I did a Web search and it says you have
>to have some sort of extraction program to play these, but I was
>unsuccessful trying to use the demo of one they suggested.  Can these be
>played at all or is there a workaround with Win Zip?  If anyone knows how I
>can get these to play I'd appreciate any help.

Regards Steve
Skype:  steve1963

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