Any idea why Nero 6 on my system seems to take forever to rip a cd vs. the 2 
minutes you're reporting?  Anything to be done about it?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2006 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: ripping CD's with windows media player

> Hi Brandon.
> Don't completely disagree with your points below - very valid.  However, I
> don't think it gets much easier to rip a CD than placing a CD in the 
> drawer
> and having it automatically ejected less than 2 minutes later having been
> ripped to the format of your choice which once set as your default will
> stick.  You're free to do as much or as little with your computer while
> media player is ripping too.  I personally ripped with CDEX for years but
> was converted over to media player due to CDEX's lack of support for 
> modern
> formats and, in particular, the format I use most often, lossless WMA.  I
> haven't regretted it.  Also bear in mind that the free version of CDEX is
> ancient now and the current version is not free unlike media player 10.
> As far as playback goes, try playing a concept album where the tracks run
> into each other or a live album in both winamp and media player 10. 
> You'll
> see that media player wins hands down in providing a seemless listening
> experience.  As for quality, it's very subjective but I do think that 
> media
> player does a better job with WMA than winamp.  I suppose that's not a
> surprise given it's a  microsoft player playing a microsoft format?
> Regards.
> Kevin
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Brandon Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
> Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2006 3:14 PM
> Subject: Re: ripping CD's with windows media player
>> hi,
>> here's my thoughts on the subject.
>> windows media player isn't nearly the best choice for cd ripping. you can
> go
>> out and download a free program such as CDEX which is much easier to use,
> is
>> focused on ripping and allows you to convert into mp3 much easier than
>> windows media, as well as having more ripping modes if those cd's are
>> scratched. to get it, or even just check it out, go to
>> if you don't like it, you can remove it, but i personally use it for
> ripping
>> as well as converting between different formats.
>> as for playing music, I know a lot of blind people use winamp. it's
> totally
>> scripted, and doesn't have a bunch of garbage that you don't need. it's
> all
>> keyboard controled and easy. it rips cd's as well, and is also a good
> method
>> despite being a bit slower. on my pc, it still ripped a cd in 10 minutes
>> with little processor eating up, so i could do other stuff while ripping.
>> winamp allows you to burn cd's as well, and in my opinion is easier to 
>> use
>> than media player, besides having more internet broadcasting stations
>> available that media player doesn't have.
>> the only disadvantage to winamp, and this can be gotten around, is it
>> doesn't play dvd movies. there are plugins that allow you to do this,
>> though.
>> winamp can be gotten from
>> that's about it from me.
>> Brandon Hicks
>> Skype: callto://reyuth
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