This year, I'm stuck with baseball on AM when it was on FM last year. I 
don't know if many use satellite, but WTMJ, I'm pretty sure does. If you 
want to hear real bad audio, around here, the high school games have 
commercials and general sound that sounds about like CB radio. At times, you 
can even hear the carrier in it.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 5:30 PM
Subject: RE: MLB Game Day Audio

> Hi.
> Well it looks like the Gameday Audio page has been updated.  According to
> it, there are now links to both the Away and home team feed.  Each link
> still says Audio, but it appears the away team feed is first.
> As far as the sound quality, I think many of these feeds are received over
> phone lines.  Those that are gotten off a satellite, if any, I don't
> understand why they don't sound better.  I won't complain, though.  I also
> remember listening to good old AM, and in fact did so last year when I was
> in Lexington, KY.  It's amazing how a station in Cincinnati fades out at
> night.  I'll use Gameday Audio when I can.  It's decent enough for me.
> Kevin Minor
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