Hi everyone. To alert MLB of the problems associated with its
new-look gameday audio page, go here.

Once their, find the "help, contact us" link. That will direct you to a page 
where you can find a "contact" link. Please note that I attempted to get an 
url for the contact page in order to cut out the first step, but both Jaws 
and WindowEyes offered only the url for the help page. That is why I 
directed you there. Moving on, once clicking on the contact link as 
described above, you can email them from a form which is located toward the 
bottom of the page.  If you like, you can also phone Gameday Audio support 
after 9 A.m. eastern. Here's the number.

I have repeatedly attempted to phone them and each time I get a busy signal. 
So if you want to go the phone route, you might want to pack a lunch first, 
or at least pour yourself a coffee.

Sorry if all of this seems complicated. I've broken it down as much as I 
can. Maybe someone else with a gift for simplification can do better.



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