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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Steve Matzura 
  Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 9:00 PM
  Subject: Third and Final Letter to Spacial Audio

  Another one pasted from my outbox.  This was borne out of a lack of
  response of any kind from Freedom Scientific's Blind/Low Vision
  software division to a note I sent (but didn't feel was worth saving)
  asking what it takes to get a new piece of software looked at for
  possible scripting by the JAWS folks at FS.  For instance, there's
  this little-known program called Agent Newsreader
  ( that does a very nice job of both email and
  USEnet newsgroups in one program.  Luckily, crazily, somebody at HJ
  way back when decided they liked this program and did some fine work
  with window definitions and other things to make it very accessible
  and easy to use. It's been my one and only email and news client for
  nearly ten years now, the best thirty bucks I ever spent on a program.
  But then Forte went and broke everything when they updated from
  Version 1 to Version 2 (now up to Version 3) and renamed all the
  windows,  changed the values of all the window handles, basically made
  a nice program useless again without more work by HJ/FS-BLVG.  I tried
  contacting them to let them know Version 2 of Agent was coming.  I was
  on the beta test team for Agent Version 2.  I told Forte that this was
  the situation, they encouraged me to keep working with both them
  (Forte) and FS-BLVG and hopefully FS-BLVG would wake up and smell the
  coffee.  They never did.  The scripts for Agent that come with JAWS
  Version 7 are the same ones I'm using for Version 1.93, the last
  Version 1 release.  The same thing is happening now with SAM BC.  I
  don't seem to be able to get a hold of anyone's ear at FS-BLVG who's
  interested in even listening to my plite, let alone doing anything
  about it.

  Anyway, here's the last SAM letter.  After that, I essentially gave
  up.  I have better things to do than spend my time banging my head up
  against a brick wall several layers thick.

  It gets real discouraging when the author of a great piece o' software
  writes back and says his hands are tied corporately, and not having
  received word one from the JAWS people about how to request that new
  software be investigated for analysis by the software manufacturer of
  speech software so that we can all get together and make something
  happen.  I know about the niche-market problem, we don't have to go
  down that road.  But I can't believe there's not *something*, even
  something *small and quick* that couldn't be done with either the
  Delphi development environment, the JAWS developers, to make this
  system more blind-user-useable, not to mention -friendly.

  This is the second letter going to Freedom Scientific, asking the
  following question:  What does it take to a get a piece of software
  looked at by the Freedom Scientific Blind and Low Vision Group with
  the idea of possibly making it more accessible through the use of JAWS
  and its scripting language?  I'm also familiar with the old saw about
  making things work that the most amount of people would get the most
  anount of use/benefit from the effort.  What I want to see in my inbox
  is a message telling/explaining to me the exact process involved in
  raising the level of awareness about a piece of software to the BLVG
  to get it at least evaluated.  If BLVG says it's possible without
  re-coding and with just scripting, that's exactly what I would love to
  know, because then at least I can go away and do some work, write some
  scripts, and maybe come back with another question down the road, or
  maybe with a product enhancement/offering for folks who want to use
  this particular piece of software.  I'm willing to work on it, the
  developer, while not able to actually commit himself to time spent on
  the project, has voiced willingness to answer the occasional question,
  and that might be enough for now.  I just need BLVG to head me off in
  the proper direction, either with them or without them.

  And it may turn out that this whole thing isn't possible, but I'd like
  BLVG to be the ones to tell me that.  If it becomes
  impossible/intractable, I'll pursue alternative solutions, of which
  there are a couple.

  Thanks in advance.
  Steve Matzura
  Resources Coordinator
  ACB Radio Interactive
  Tel: (888) 628-0872

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