
No I don't do netphone.  Don't you think it might be useful to everyone if 
you share your expertise here instead of privately?

Thanks a lot,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sun Sparkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: CD/R compilation burned with Nero behaving like CD/RW

danneil contact me off list maybe i can help you out. do you have skype?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Yardbird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC-Audio" <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 3:34 PM
Subject: CD/R compilation burned with Nero behaving like CD/RW

> Last week, I bought my first supply of CD/Rs, a spindle of 30 so I could
> start using Nero Ultra Version 6.  I knew there would be something of a
> learning curve, because it's been a little confusing to learn how to copy
> and paste tracks from the window with the file browser into the
> compilation
> window, but I figured out some kind of trick about tabbing or shift
> tabbing
> at just the right juncture to find the empty compilation window and paste
> the files into it.  I still can't describe just how I did it.  This is
> really a fumbling around situation.  What I wouldn't give for a truly
> screen
> reader friendly, well labeled more intuitively designed program.  BTW,
> I've
> tried Premier, and that didn't really do it for me, and I don't want to go
> into that again.
> Anyway, after that opening digression, here's my real problem:  The first
> couple of CDs I burned as compilations from files on my hard drive and, in
> at least one case, copied from a music CD directly, worked fine.  By which
> I
> mean they played not only in my computer and my recent-vintage CD player
> in
> my stereo, but they also played on my several-years-old Panasonic
> Discman-type portable player, which wouldn't have worked if I'd been using
> CD/RWs by accident.  But the friend who helped me buy these blank discs,
> as
> well as another friend, reassured me that they're CD/Rs.
> Okay, so then I've burned another couple of CDs since those first ones,
> once
> a copy from another CD, and the other effort a compilation burned from
> .mp3
> files.  But these last two are behaving as if I'd used CD/RWs instead of
> CD/Rs.  They'll play in my computer, and they'll play in my stereo system,
> but on my portable player, they just play as static or a kind of white
> noise.
> I'm not aware of having changed any settings on any of the tabs in Nero
> since the first couple of discs,but I still find this  program confusing
> enough so that maybe, just maybe, I mistakenly changed something and am
> not
> aware of what I've done.
> for those who know Nero and are familiar with this stuff, is there
> anything
> at all that could have produced this result other than using CD/RWs that
> won't play on lots of units like car stereos and portable players?
> Informed
> suggestions welcome.
> Thanks in advance,
> Daniel
> -- 
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