Russell, you're kidding about the dragging and dropping, aren't you? So far
as I know, that's an action that can be achieved only with mouse and
eyesight. What I'd been trying to do, in a confused way (because I was
never sure if I was attempting to paste files into the right place) was just
copy and paste.
----- Original Message -----
From: "russell Bourgoin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: CD/R compilation burned with Nero behaving like CD/RW
I can't help you with the white noise problem, but to make your
life easier, when you have a file selected, instead of dragging and
dropping it, try pressing control 1, the top row one, and that will put the
selection(s) into your compilation. You can use standard windows selection
techniques, i.e. control key and space bar to pick non contiguous files,
and a control one will put them all in the compilation. Hope this makes
life easier.
> At 04:34 PM 6/27/2005, Yardbird spake thusly:-
>Last week, I bought my first supply of CD/Rs, a spindle of 30 so I could
>start using Nero Ultra Version 6. I knew there would be something of a
>learning curve, because it's been a little confusing to learn how to copy
>and paste tracks from the window with the file browser into the compilation
>window, but I figured out some kind of trick about tabbing or shift tabbing
>at just the right juncture to find the empty compilation window and paste
>the files into it. I still can't describe just how I did it. This is
>really a fumbling around situation. What I wouldn't give for a truly
>reader friendly, well labeled more intuitively designed program. BTW, I've
>tried Premier, and that didn't really do it for me, and I don't want to go
>into that again.
>Anyway, after that opening digression, here's my real problem: The first
>couple of CDs I burned as compilations from files on my hard drive and, in
>at least one case, copied from a music CD directly, worked fine. By which
>mean they played not only in my computer and my recent-vintage CD player in
>my stereo, but they also played on my several-years-old Panasonic
>Discman-type portable player, which wouldn't have worked if I'd been using
>CD/RWs by accident. But the friend who helped me buy these blank discs, as
>well as another friend, reassured me that they're CD/Rs.
>Okay, so then I've burned another couple of CDs since those first ones,
>a copy from another CD, and the other effort a compilation burned from .mp3
>files. But these last two are behaving as if I'd used CD/RWs instead of
>CD/Rs. They'll play in my computer, and they'll play in my stereo system,
>but on my portable player, they just play as static or a kind of white
>I'm not aware of having changed any settings on any of the tabs in Nero
>since the first couple of discs,but I still find this program confusing
>enough so that maybe, just maybe, I mistakenly changed something and am not
>aware of what I've done.
>for those who know Nero and are familiar with this stuff, is there anything
>at all that could have produced this result other than using CD/RWs that
>won't play on lots of units like car stereos and portable players?
>suggestions welcome.
>Thanks in advance,
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