no thanks for all the help.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: backupping cassett tapes

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to help, but maybe others may have some ideas that will help. I hope that you can find a way to transfer these tape recordings to the computer with great sound quality, or at least just as good as your originals. Maybe I'll have to plug my cassette player into the line-in of my computer, and do the same one day.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Juan Hernandez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: backupping cassett tapes

I have sound forge, and adobe audition.

I've tried using sf, and audition, but the sound quality is not there. I can hear when I am recording from my 4track through my computer, the output comes out on my speakers. and it sounds great, but the recorded version is not as good as what I was hearing as it was recording. any ideas? thanks
----- Original Message ----- From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: backupping cassett tapes

Hi Juan. I think you might need a program like Soundforge or Goldwave. These are sound editing programs that are useful for this. Of course, I think you can use CDex for this. This grabs audio from tapes or CD's, and puts it on the harddrive for you. I hope this helps.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Juan Hernandez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:44 AM
Subject: backupping cassett tapes

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is well this evening.

I just wanted to ask, I have some sets of 4-track cassetts that I would like to record onto my computer. I have a 4-track tape player, and a patch cable. Now, what software and steps do I need to do to record these cassetts as clear as possible? thanks to e veryone.
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