Absolutely wrong. The burn rate is dependent on the speed of your CD writer.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Susan Wojtecki
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 3:54 PM
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: Re: Sound editors pound for pound?

Not sure, but I think that the burn rate is more dependent on your processor
speed than the size of your hard drive or other factors.  For example, I'm
running Windows 98 with an Athelon processor and I think the burn rate is
something like 52x if I remember ... whatever it is, I know it's pretty
fast.  I'm sure someone else can correct me, but I think that the default in
Nero is to go for the maximum burn rate so if you are burning successfully I
wouldn't think you would really need to slow it down.

Also, to the new member who was asking about Nero, I know that John Wilson
in the UK has done tutorials on Nero and probably some of the sound editors
also.  While I have not purchased these, the info on his website suggests
that they are pretty thorough, so you might go there if you cannot get your
questions answered elsewhere.  Let me know if you are interested and I'll
send or post the website info.


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