Thank you very much.
Yes its when changing stations in my favorites folder i get this message.
But sometimes it happens when opening it from a browser?
Its the illegal operation thing you are talking about that happens to me.
But i'll tryt the suggestion you gave me.
Thank you very much again.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher Maule-Oatway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: I try again.

> Hello Anders,
>  From time to time I get the error message that "This program has
> an illegal operation and will be shut down".  Is this the sort of message
> that you are getting when you go from station to station?  Are you using
> your Favorites list when you get this message, or are you using a web
> If you are using your Favorites list, I can give you some information
> how Real Alternative handles Favorites, and I have a suggestion about what
> might be causing the problem and what might be done about it.
> When you add a Favorite to the list in Real Alternative (that is, the
> PLayer Classic), you are actually creating a shortcut.  The shortcut is
> linked to the RAM file in the folder where all your temporary internet
> files are stored.  So if you delete all the files from the temporary
> internet folder, the shortcuts in your Real Alternative Favorites list
> no file to link to.
> If this is the cause of the problem, you might like to try the following:
> 1.  Delete all Favorites from the Real Alternative Favorites list.  (You
> this by going into 'Organise Favorites', where you will find a 'Delete'
> button).
> 2.  Make sure that all the RAM files are deleted from the temporary
> internet folder.
> 3.  Create a new Favorites list.
> Please remember, I am only saying that this MIGHT work!
> In general, I prefer not to keep uninstalling and re-installing
> programs.  I would rather play with the settings or check the files/data,
> etc.  Uninstalling and re-installing should be a last resort.
> I still like Real Alternative, despite the bugs and problems that it has
> and would be very, very reluctant to put Realplayer back on my computer.
> am happy to
> Hope this helps.
> All the best,
> Christopher
> At 22:21 01/09/04 +0200, you wrote:
> >HellO!
> >I am using the real alternative player version 1.23.
> >My question is if its that good as evrybody says?
> >Its very blind friendly, i can agree with that but it seems that there
> >to be alot of irritating bugs or whatever it is.
> >I have alot of problems using the media player clasic (which is the same
> >thye real alternative player.)
> >For example:
> >I am listening to a radio station and then i would like to change to
> >another.
> >So i klick to listen to the other station and then there seem to be an
> >with the program.
> >I don't know this message in the englis version of windows 2000 but in my
> >swedish version the message appears as follows:
> >If i translat it it will bi like:
> >Program error:
> >Mplayer.exe has generated an error and is beeing shut down by windows.
> >You mus restart the program.
> >Why do this happen evry time?
> >I am so frustrated and angry about this stupid error message.
> >I have been trying to re installing the program but it doesn't help.
> >What can be wrong?
> >PLeas help me!
> >I beg!
> >THanks in advance.
> >/Anders.
> >
> >
> >
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