I am using the real alternative player version 1.23.
My question is if its that good as evrybody says?
Its very blind friendly, i can agree with that but it seems that there seem
to be alot of irritating bugs or whatever it is.
I have alot of problems using the media player clasic (which is the same as
thye real alternative player.)
For example:
I am listening to a radio station and then i would like to change to
So i klick to listen to the other station and then there seem to be an error
with the program.
I don't know this message in the englis version of windows 2000 but in my
swedish version the message appears as follows:
If i translat it it will bi like:
Program error:
Mplayer.exe has generated an error and is beeing shut down by windows.
You mus restart the program.
Why do this happen evry time?
I am so frustrated and angry about this stupid error message.
I have been trying to re installing the program but it doesn't help.
What can be wrong?
PLeas help me!
I beg!
THanks in advance.

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