Not the tape necessarily.  Might be the match between the two machine's head
alignments.  How does the tape sound when you play it in the recording deck?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Terri Stimmel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 5:37 PM
Subject: question about recording books

> Hello everyone,
> I'm trying to copy an NLS book.  I'm recording it, using my tape deck.
> know, with the library tape in one side, and a blank tape in the other.
> Well, I've recorded one tape so far, and I've noticed something that I
> really don't like, but I don't know if there's anything I can do about it.
> When I played the tape in my NLS machine, I had to turn the volume up half
> way, so that I could really hear it well.  And I noticed that I could hear
> noise, I believe from the other track.  It wasn't coming threw real loud,
> but it was noticeable.
> What do you all think?  Is it something with my tape recorder, or is this
> sort of thing normal?
> I'm using TDK tapes, and I've always thought that was a good brand.
> Any thoughts on this will be much appreciated.
> Terri
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