Hi Robert,

There's a program called mp3 merge that will do this for you.  Go to
http://mp3merge.netfirms.com and grab it from there.  It's freeware and jaws

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert & Heather Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 3:25 PM
Subject: Is "Batch Merging" of MP3 files possible???

> Hello folks,
> I've got about 70 lectures recorded in MP3 format.  Each is about an
> hour long. The person who recorded them originally intended to make
> them into indexed audio CDs, and so he broke each lecture up into 20-50
> smaller MP3 files. I'd like to have them back together again as a
> single MP3 file for each lecture.  Short of creating a playlist for
> each lecture, is there such a thing as a "Batch Merge" where some kind
> of software could merge multiple sequential MP3 files into a single
> file?
> Otherwise I'll have to COPY, PASTE, COPY, PASTE over and over again for
> days.
> (The reason I can't create a software specific playlist i.e, Winamp, is
> because I need to distribute these lectures to people who will be using
> different MP3 software players like Winamp, Windows Media Player, etc.,
> not to mention different hardware players.  Is there one generic
> playlist format universally recognized?  Winamp uses a playlist with an
> .M3U extension, others use ones with a .PLS extension.)
> Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
> Rob Williams
> Portland, Oregon
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