Hello folks,
I've got about 70 lectures recorded in MP3 format.  Each is about an
hour long. The person who recorded them originally intended to make
them into indexed audio CDs, and so he broke each lecture up into 20-50
smaller MP3 files. I'd like to have them back together again as a
single MP3 file for each lecture.  Short of creating a playlist for
each lecture, is there such a thing as a "Batch Merge" where some kind
of software could merge multiple sequential MP3 files into a single
Otherwise I'll have to COPY, PASTE, COPY, PASTE over and over again for

(The reason I can't create a software specific playlist i.e, Winamp, is
because I need to distribute these lectures to people who will be using
different MP3 software players like Winamp, Windows Media Player, etc.,
not to mention different hardware players.  Is there one generic
playlist format universally recognized?  Winamp uses a playlist with an
.M3U extension, others use ones with a .PLS extension.)

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Rob Williams
Portland, Oregon

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