Hi all, I know this is hard to believe, but this computer doesn't have
a cd burner, and I need one, because the drive where my mp3's are is
low on space, and I have had bad experiences at the store where I
originally purchased this machine in 1999, seems they think that just
because I'm blind, I am dumb also, and it use to be that all the
employee's thought that, but that doesn't seem to be true now, but
still, if I can help it, I don't want to go back to that store, but 
need a cd burner, and first, don't know what features to get, and would
also like to know if an accessible version of narrow is still
available, because I understand that now, they're up to narrow 7, but I
had heard that wasn't speech friendly with window-eyes, and in Oakland,
the only fries store I know about is as far away as Fremont, and wish a
store that might even go as far as being slightly familiar with
adaptive technology if possible, so they can at least understand what
ever difficulties I might have.  I just dismissed cd burning
altogether, because in 2000, when I read that plexter's were $250, I
said outch, but I understand that they've come down now, and would like
to get one, and have help installing it, since I've never opened up
this confuser, as I have no sighted assistance of any kind.  Thanks for
any assistance.  

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