        The players are going relatively cheaply, and they're quite durable
as these things go. Keep in mind, though, that a machine that has been
banged up will not necessarily last much longer in your hands if it's
already been used for a while. The main problem with Archos units is not
durability so much as quality control from the factory. Were I you, I'd ask
the age of the unit and make sure buyer protection is offered on the unit.
Units that are sold "as is" should probably be avoided. BTW, when you get
the unit, run a scandisk and see if there are any bad sectors on the drive.
I've seen units which seemed to work but with their drives so riddled with
bad sectors that if you try to put more than a few hundred meg on them, they
won't read. Note also that you can replace the drive, but this, of course,
requires buying a new laptop drive.
        As for any unit with rockbox, it probably won't talk, since the
voice UI functionality has not yet been officially released. You'll have to
install the voice, which isn't at all difficult.


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of hank
Sent: May 27, 2004 11:45 PM
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: Re: archos usb cable?

I found a hole bunch of other ones with scratches and minor dings for like 5
bucks as the start bid.
how durable are these things?
the reason why I am asking is because some of the ones with minor scratches
actually work. and wasn't sure how durable these units are.
I found another one that is in working order and has been tested its a 6 gig
it all ready has rock box installed on it if i were to go with this one
should it come talking if I get it?

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Aman Singer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 8:18 PM
Subject: RE: archos usb cable?

> Hi.
> First, Rockbox will work on this unit if it is as you describe it.
> Secondly, you can get an USB cable for the unit from RadioShack. All
> you need is an A male to A male USB cable. That is, the large flat
> rectangular plug to the large flat rectangular plug. In most cases, you
> a cable that has a flat rectangular plug at one end and a squarish plug at
> the other. However, in the case of the Archos (excluding the Recorder V2
> FM recorder, they use mini A cables), you'll need a cable that has the
> type of plug at both ends, and that plug is rectangular, large, and flat.
> Aman
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of hank
> Sent: May 27, 2004 10:54 PM
> To: PC audio discussion list.
> Subject: archos usb cable?
> hello I found a Archos Jukebox Studio 20 GB MP3 Player/Hard Drive but it
> don't come with a usb cable
> 1. will rock box work on this unit?
> 2. where can I get usb cables for this mp3 player?
> thanks
> hank
> - -
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