Hmm. Ok, from some of the other posts I've read on this, it comes down to changing the type of file that is produced. I would not recommend using realplayer because obviously the default is to burn it in mp4, which is certainly ok but no standard cd player can play that...yet. so you might either try going into the preferences and changing the default format to mp3 or some other file type, or just use another program such as CDEX or if you've got a bit of cash, easy cd da extractor, not to be confused with roxio easy cd creator will do the trick just fine. both those programs will do what you want very well indeed.

At 06:53 PM 5/23/2004, you wrote:

I know it takes more space for a wav file on the computer.  But, older CD
players don't play the MP4 files.  That's why I'm trying to find out how to
change the format so I can burn a CD in a universal format which will play
on most CD players.  I still haven't figured it out, so if you have any
suggestions, I'd appreciate them.


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