Hi, Ray and Dave.
Sorry for responding to this email late. I was just back from the Chinese 
Spring Festival holiday and missed the TSC discussion for this. I would like to 
echo Dave's suggestion on email contribution. In the meantime, I also do not 
find mine name on the wiki contribution list, which make no sense since I at 
least update the meeting minutes for HA project frequently.

发件人: opnfv-tsc-boun...@lists.opnfv.org 
[mailto:opnfv-tsc-boun...@lists.opnfv.org] 代表 Dave Neary
发送时间: 2018年2月14日 21:49
收件人: Raymond Paik <rp...@linuxfoundation.org>; opnfv-tech-discuss 
<opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org>; opnfv-...@lists.opnfv.org
主题: Re: [opnfv-tsc] [opnfv-tech-discuss] For the TSC composition discussion on 

[Note post TSC call: this is the email I had written and found in my Drafts 
folder after the TSC call - so I had not sent it - DN]

Thank you for putting this together, Ray!

A few comments: Your wiki stats look off - I would expect to see many more 
people in the list (of course the first thing I did out of vanity was look for 
myself, and I have definitely made a number of wiki edits and comments, but I 
am not in the list).

We have so far discussed erring on the side of inclusion, so I am curious about 
your setting a bar at 50 or 100 contributions. It might make sense to have a 
minimum number for some of the lower impact activities like Gerrit reviews, but 
for others like patch submission, a lower bound of 1 might make more sense. For 
wiki edits 5 or 10 seems reasonable. If using a composite metric, I would lean 
towards a lower number (say, 20) rather than higher, to be more inclusive.

Have you considered being active on the mailing list as a potential market of 
activity? Again the question of whether people who are active on the list, but 
inactive elsewhere, can be considered active contributors (I think they could) 
- there, perhaps 30 emails during the year is a good level.

I would also be interested to hear if there are people who previously had a 
vote as committers, who would not have a vote under this scheme, or whether 
there is a big difference in the size of the community/electorate with your 
proposed levels.

What do you think?


On 02/12/2018 01:12 AM, Raymond Paik wrote:
> All,
> This is for the TSC composition discussion on Tuesday.
> As was discussed previously
> <http://meetbot.opnfv.org/meetings/opnfv-meeting/2018/opnfv-meeting.20
> 18-01-25-14.01.html>, there was a consensus to look at a "union of 
> contributions" across various tools in OPNFV including Git, Gerrit, 
> JIRA, and Confluence.  For example, we talked about people making a 
> total of 50 or 100 contributions across all tools over a 12 month 
> period as the constituent for the TSC election.
> In the attached, you'll see the data point across the 4 tools in 2017. 
> In the last tab, you'll also find a comparison of "top 50 contributors"
> across the tools.  Although there are some exceptions, you'll see that 
> active contributors are active across all 4 tools.  One of the 
> concerns was that we want to be inclusive to recognize non-code 
> contributions and you'll see a high number of non-code contributors in both 
> Gerrit and Jira.
> In terms of a threshold, 100 annual contributions seems like a good 
> starting point.  As a point of reference, the following shows the 
> number of people that made 100 or more contributions in each tool.  
> (Based on this, we'll have a minimum of 112 people eligible for the 
> TSC election as we have 112 people that made 100 or more contributions 
> to Gerrit alone)
>   * Gerrit: 112
>   * Git: 30
>   * JIRA: 36
>   * Wiki: 4
> If we go to 50 annual contributions, I don't necessarily think 
> there'll be a significant increase in the pool and following is the breakdown.
>   * Gerrit: 137
>   * Git: 51
>   * JIRA: 62
>   * Wiki: 8
> Please feel free to reply with any thoughts or feedback.  This will be 
> discussed further during the TSC call.
> Thanks,
> Ray
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Dave Neary - NFV/SDN Community Strategy
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Ph: +1-978-399-2182 / Cell: +1-978-799-3338 
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