


   CI status

      CI currently broken due to issue with collectd

      Pull request soon to fix

   Development status

      Lots of activity on the container front

      Code reviews moving along… Thanks.

   Spirent -- NFVI integration

      NFVI Stats collection

         Metrics Agents -- could think about open sourcing

      What about integration with collectd?  Move them to collectd?

      Database is InfluxDB

      Environment discovery ( Would love for this to be open source as well

         Some Openstack API queries

         Some node-level for openvswitch and networking

      2nd call setup to start the integration process

      Very nice flow to debug packet losses

   Florian (Thank you for your attendance)

      When submitting new plugins, please provide a short document to
      define the context of the new plugin and what it’s trying to
accomplish and
      why it’s different and needed

      Collectd team needs help with general code reviews

      Florian has written a style guide to assist with plugin development.

      Florian asks for a list of what else is needed

      For errors related to collectd / CI.  Short pull request is

      For larger issues, submit a bug.  May need to extend collectd CI if
      there are differences.

      Current release in code freeze.  Nov 15th for release.

      Hopes to move to 2 to 3 releases a year

      Discussed possibility of runtime configuration of collectd

         Difficult task the way the code is currently structured

         Not against the work

         Runtime configuration has been brought up in several contexts

         Searching for resources to do the work within Red Hat and partners


      TST008 / ETSI IFA027 → Al has identified gaps.

      Maryam has a comparison: IFA/TEST/ONAP/VMWARE  -- Hopefully can share

Next Meeting(s):


   Maryam to present container build process and CI integration in a few

   Aaron to present Service Assurance plans

   Bryan to introduce Tom Tofigh for presentation and updates on CORD

Action Items:

   - None




Red Hat


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