Morgan, Sure. I added this agenda item after Clover.
Thanks Bin From: [] On Behalf Of Jack Morgan Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 9:56 AM To: Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Infra] Infra WG Weekly Meeting Minutes - Oct. 9th Bin, Can we add this topic to the Tech Discuss meeting this week? Perhaps, after the Clover topic? thanks Topic is IDF definitions and details (others feel free to add/adjust) On 10/16/2017 06:49 AM, Julien wrote: Hi David, I agree your comments about net_config in [2]. Before my holiday maybe I make a mistake that I think IDF is used for infrastructure network descriptor. For Jobs naming, I think in Kubernetes, we still need to resolve the usage of network and storage, while these features are not well supported in the Kubernetes community. Control is equivalent to Master, and Minion is equivalent to Minion. It is difficult to define one set of names to meet all the requirement. If someday VMware or HyperV is introduced into the community as VIM, the names are meaningful to the new VIMs? <<>>于2017年10月16日周一 下午4:26写道: Hi everyone, I agree that the PDF/IDF definitions must be fixed ASAP. * About net_config in IDF: I think it is a bad idea. As i answer in the patch #42233 [2], if the L3 network is configured in the infra (firewall, router, ...), and not configurable by the installer, it must stay in the PDF. If the PDF leaves an empty L3 network section, it could be fixed by the installer, and configured in the IDF. * About net_config as proposed by Guillermo Herrero in #42893 [1]: +1 with an official naming less openstack 'like'. For a better understanding and writing by infra ops, can we authorize comments describing what is this network in simple name (and openstack 'like' naming if the author like it)? We must consider that ops may not use the same convention in the data center, and pdf writting must not be painful. * Jobs naming: Today, jobs in IDF are also openstack centric and can only describe a ha or noha mode, but not both, I propose in #42233[2] that we use 'infra', 'worker' and 'infra_or_worker' as naming for main node's job. This will let SDF file describing what is the mapping to openstack, k8s or any other vim naming. * storage definition in shared IDF part [3]: Julien propose to add the storage definition in IDF, I agree, but it must be consolidated. I will comment in the patch BR David [1]<> <>[2]<> [3] <> -- David BLAISONNEAU NFV platforms DevOPS - OPNFV contributor Orange - IMT / OLN / CNC / NCA / SINA tel: +33 (0)2 96 07 27 93<tel:+33%202%2096%2007%2027%2093> email:<> 2, avenue Pierre Marzin 22307 LANNION Cedex - France Le 16/10/2017 à 02:25, Julien a écrit : Hi Alex, It's a great news. 2 PODs in our lab reserved for MCP are blocked to deploy in master branch. Can you give me a PDF/IDF link which are used now, then we will submit PDF/IDF patches according to your version. For **net_config**, I personally suggest to move it to IDF and get the template/format approved ASSP, for it is really important to us. BR/Julien Alexandru Avadanii <<>>于2017年10月15日周日 下午9:44写道: Hi, Fuel has been using PDF and IDF for weeks now. We still rely on net_config, which is out of spec, to map between PDF networks and the network role within the installer. Apart from net_config, we still need to sort out the mapping between interfaces indexes in PDF and the interface names inside OS (e.g. iface 0 = eno1, iface 2 = enp1s0f1). For net_config, Guillermo proposed an alternative as a comment in [1], which imo is closer to the hardware view of the setup (especially the port_matrix part). For iface name mapping, we will probably add it to IDF as a Fuel-specific section for now (no PoC proposed yet). BR, Alex [1]<> From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Julien Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2017 12:38 PM To: Jack Morgan; opnfv-tech-discuss Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Infra] Infra WG Weekly Meeting Minutes - Oct. 9th Hi Jack and Infra team: This week I have a chance to directly discuss with installer team: Apex and Compass. I still can not contact Joid. This is the status of PDF in each installer: Apex: Not started, won't support in E release, and I have submitted a Jira ticket in Apex. Compass: Not started, and plan to support in F release Daisy: PDF is supported and used in CI PODs for deployment, while IDF is not used for now Fuel: Started, not finished yet Joid: No response in email and IRC(#opnfv-joid) I would like to suggest to clear PDF/IDF patches in gerrit, let's make an acceptable template and update them in the future, then the lab owners can submit their PDF/IDF and used for deployment. BR/Julien Jack Morgan <<>>于2017年10月10日周二 上午12:38写道: October 9th Agenda: 1. Status update on PDF • complete discussion from last week as this is a deliverable for Euphrates release 2. LaaS and Dashboard integration Lincoln Lavoie<> 3. Infra documentation on RTD - patch 40329<> merged, what else? a. Discussion of Infra documentation 4. Zuul v3, Fatih Degirmenci<> . possibility to start a prototype? 5. Follow up on security audit job logs [] RELENG-272<> - Ericsson Build 3 not reporting failures to comments IN PROGRESS 6. F Release participation 7. Review actions items Minutes (link<>) 1. Status update on PDF • David_Orange reports that IDF is mostly complete and haven't heard any feedback during the last week on his patch below • work in progress patch<> • current SDF patch<> 2. LaaS and Dashboard integration • lylavoie is working on LF hosting issues with bramwelt but will focus on it after the release • requirements gathering and plan is being tracked via Dashboard Roadmap<> 3. Infra documentation on RTD • initial patch 40329<> has been merged, what else needs to be migrated • bramwelt has some documentation to post but not sure which project it goes 4. AoB • bryan_att mentioned that the Equifax breach was due to Apache structs vulnerability • bryan_att suggests we need some discussion on potential scanner tools for production deployments • Luke will investigate ODL scanning and bryan_att will bring it up at the TSC • jmorgan1 mentions this is a good Plugfest topic 5. Action Items • contact installer PTLs support of PDF in Euphrates • Fuel/MCP and Daisy4NFV has support for PDF, Compass4NFV will delay working on it until F release • Apex and Joid have not responded to emails • closed and new action items below Closed Actions: • Contact installer PTLs for support of PDF in Euphrates julien zhang<> • Submit patches to add lab owners and others to Pharos repo Aric Gardner<> • Reach out to lab owners to collect feedback on including username and password in PDF Jack Morgan • Reach out to Luke Hinds<> to security projects input on passwords in PDF Aric Gardner<> • Create wiki page to track next steps and features for Laas/dashboard effort Lincoln Lavoie<> • Reach out to Joid, Apex and Compass need to provide a contact for PDF effort julien zhang<> • create POC on encryption option Aric Gardner<> • New Actions: • work on putting infrastructure documentation structure in place Trevor Bramwell<> • work with lylavoie to get CI Pods displayed on<> Trevor Bramwell<> -- Jack Morgan OPNFV Pharos Intel Lab _______________________________________________ opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list<><> _______________________________________________ opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list<><> _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. 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