Here is a summary of the TSC/Board joint meeting and the Board meeting last 
Friday June 16, right after the Summit in Beijing.
* LF Networking projects harmonization update: There was a discussion on 
proposed steps/structure for a new organization for networking projects in the 
LF.  Discussion will continue with Board members across several projects in 
meeting(s) to be scheduled.
* TSC-Board joint meeting:
o   There was an introduction to Open Invention Network (OIN) and OIN's request 
to collaborate with the OPNFV community as they look to protect key open source 
assets in the networking industry.
o   CVP update: There was a recap of activities during the Summit week 
including follow-up to TSC Action Items, Euphrates planning, and potentially 
focusing on use case testing (vs. feature testing).
o   XCI update: An update was given on accomplishments & community 
contributions. There was also a discussion on a proposal for Lab-as-a-Service 
(LaaS) as new a resource for developers.  The LaaS could be used to reduce the 
burden on existing OPNFV infrastructure, developers, and end-users.
o   Mobile edge update: There was a recap of discussions during the summit 
including virtualization of Central Office locations and Edge technologies.
o   EUAG pain points: There was a discussion on collaboration between EUAG and 
the technical community to address end user pain points starting with Reference 
VNF.  The SampleVNF project team is starting to address some of the pain points.
o   TSC composition: There was a recap of TSC composition discussions from the 
past few months.
* Audit & Finance Committee report out: OPNFV finance as of April 30, 2017 was 
reviewed and a discussion on making an investment in OPNFV Lab-as-a-Service 
(LaaS).  Once there are more details on LaaS (e.g. BOM, services for 
hosting/maintenance, pricing, etc.), the Board will review the proposal.
* Marketing Committee report out: There was a report out from the Summit, 
content development pipeline, 2H'17 events, etc.
* Project harmonization discussion: Board members continued discussion on 
project harmonization and explored a number of topics such as membership 
levels, Board/TSC compositions, on-boarding of new projects, marketing, events, 
Wenjing Chu
Secretary of the Board of OPNFV
opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list

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