W dniu 2021-08-15 o 10:30, Jan-Niklas Burfeind pisze:

On 8/14/21 7:08 PM, Lech Perczak wrote:
The six bytes at 001fd00 spell OMEGA.
Is this the only data in 0x10000-0x20000? What's in 0x10000-0x11000?

+                read-only;
+                compatible = "nvmem-cells";
+                #address-cells = <1>;
+                #size-cells = <1>;
+                macaddr_uboot_1fc00: macaddr@1fc00 {
+                    reg = <0x1fc00 0x6>;
+                };
+            };
+            partition@20000 {
+                compatible = "tplink,firmware";
+                label = "firmware";
+                reg = <0x020000 0xfd0000>;
+            };
+            art: partition@ff0000 {
+                label = "art";
+                reg = <0xff0000 0x010000>;
+                read-only;
+            };
The whole ordeal looks very much like typical pre-safeloader TP-link
flash layout, so I expect no writable U-boot environment there, at least
for stock U-boot.
Of course, it would be best to check if it's possible to write it using
serial console, on actual device.

I just tried to copy part of the string "OMEGA" from its current position.

md 0x9F01FD00
9F01FD00: 4F4D4547[...]

cp 0x9F01FD00 0x9F01FE00 3
md 0x9F01FE00
9F01FE00: FFFFFFFF[...]

Reading the partition works fine; writing not so much; at least not
within uboot.
I rather meant checking if it is possible to 'saveenv' from within stock U-boot, rebooting and seeing if changes to the environment change stay there. Given, that the typical SPI-NOR sector size on this target is 64k, it's very unlikely that there is writable environment there, as the MAC part doesn't follow its format, and U-boot would need to use 4k page erase for that, as does pepe2k's u-boot_mod, but OpenWrt currently cannot reliably support writing such environment.


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