W dniu 2021-08-14 o 17:43, Tomasz Maciej Nowak pisze:
W dniu 14.08.2021 o 16:37, Jan-Niklas Burfeind pisze:
Hey there; answer is inline too.
Thanks for picking this up!
On 8/14/21 3:54 PM, Tomasz Maciej Nowak wrote:
one comment inline.
W dniu 14.08.2021 o 14:33, Jan-Niklas Burfeind pisze:
+ partitions {
+ compatible = "fixed-partitions";
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <1>;
+ uboot: partition@0 {
+ label = "u-boot";
+ reg = <0x000000 0x020000>;
Is this really the size of the U-Boot? According to the sources of
U-Boot [1] the max size of bootloader is 64KiB. If the sources don't
lie, what's between 0x10000-0x20000? Is that some hardcoded data or
U-Boot environment? If it's the environment, You can't use static
address of the MAC in nvmem-cells, because it can move around if
someone modified the environment. For that You'll need to extract it in
uboot knows it is 64KiB, printenv yields uboot_size=0x10000
That should be reflected in partitions list and the space between
0x10000-0x20000 partition name should reflect what's inside. If the
vendor firmware had a name for this space, use that.
It further knows, firmware starts not before 128Kib:
these are the last lines of mtd0:
000f8d0 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
001fc00 40a3 6bc1 10b2 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
001fc10 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
001fd00 4f4d 4547 41ff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
001fd10 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
The six bytes at 001fc00 are the macaddress.
The six bytes at 001fd00 spell OMEGA.
Is this the only data in 0x10000-0x20000? What's in 0x10000-0x11000?
+ read-only;
+ compatible = "nvmem-cells";
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ #size-cells = <1>;
+ macaddr_uboot_1fc00: macaddr@1fc00 {
+ reg = <0x1fc00 0x6>;
+ };
+ };
+ partition@20000 {
+ compatible = "tplink,firmware";
+ label = "firmware";
+ reg = <0x020000 0xfd0000>;
+ };
+ art: partition@ff0000 {
+ label = "art";
+ reg = <0xff0000 0x010000>;
+ read-only;
+ };
The whole ordeal looks very much like typical pre-safeloader TP-link
flash layout, so I expect no writable U-boot environment there, at least
for stock U-boot.
Of course, it would be best to check if it's possible to write it using
serial console, on actual device.
+ };
+ };
+&wmac {
+ status = "okay";
+ mtd-cal-data = <&art 0x1000>;
+ nvmem-cells = <&macaddr_uboot_1fc00>;
+ nvmem-cell-names = "mac-address";
[ snip ]
Kind regards,
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