>> 1) I created a new "Upgrading to OpenWrt 21.02.0" page at:   
>> https://openwrt.org/playground/richb/to2102 I distilled the announcement 
>> page (https://openwrt.org/releases/21.02/notes-21.02.0) to make this 
>> checklist for people that won't read that entire page.
>> Did I get the new page right? Please feel free to edit and make it correct.
> Yes looks good, we should probably integrate this somehow in the release 
> notes, so that people do not have to read everything.

Thanks. I hasten to point out that I was just guessing / making stuff up in 
places. Please check every word, VERY CAREFULLY. (Remember, some readers will 
study it line by line. If it's not totally correct, they're going to do the 
wrong thing...)


>> 2) I was pretty fuzzy about what people should do if their target did 
>> migrate to DSA. Do we have a guide to help those people through the 
>> transition?
> We do not support a migration and people have to start with a new fresh 
> installation. Doing a backup and restoring some settings manually works.

Then I think this is a big deal for people with interesting network 
configurations (maybe for everyone except those with a vanilla bridged LAN?) If 
they just install, I suspect they're going to be off the air, and we'll receive 
continuing "21.02 broke my router" complaints. Is this something we can detect 

In any event, we need to have good documentation about:
        - Whether or not you need to worry - either by examining LuCi or by 
examining /etc/config/network
        - How you make the transition from swconfig to DSA
        - How you recover if you made the switch and now want to get back to 
the same configuration

>> 3) Is there any OpenWrt document that describes how DSA affects the files in 
>> /etc/config and how it affects LuCI? Do we need to worry that a bunch of 
>> people will glibly upgrade, then be knocked off the air?
> Rafał created this forum post:
> https://forum.openwrt.org/t/mini-tutorial-for-dsa-network-config/96998
> It would be nice if someone could create a wiki page based on this.

Maybe something like this? 

It would be really great if Rafał (and others) could review the words on this 
page ASAP to make sure that a) I copy/pasted it correctly, and b) that the text 
is still correct.



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