Hi Rich,

On 7/17/21 11:04 PM, Rich Brown wrote:
Hauke and all,

Thanks for the hard work to corral all those outstanding bug reports.

As we move forward, I want to be sure the documentation side is as good as the 
software... I have these comments/questions:

1) I created a new "Upgrading to OpenWrt 21.02.0" page at:    
https://openwrt.org/playground/richb/to2102 I distilled the announcement page 
(https://openwrt.org/releases/21.02/notes-21.02.0) to make this checklist for people that 
won't read that entire page.

Did I get the new page right? Please feel free to edit and make it correct.

Yes looks good, we should probably integrate this somehow in the release notes, so that people do not have to read everything.

2) I was pretty fuzzy about what people should do if their target did migrate 
to DSA. Do we have a guide to help those people through the transition?

We do not support a migration and people have to start with a new fresh installation. Doing a backup and restoring some settings manually works.

3) Is there any OpenWrt document that describes how DSA affects the files in 
/etc/config and how it affects LuCI? Do we need to worry that a bunch of people 
will glibly upgrade, then be knocked off the air?

Rafał created this forum post:

It would be nice if someone could create a wiki page based on this.

As always, I really appreciate all the effort that goes into OpenWrt.




On Jul 17, 2021, at 11:45 AM, Hauke Mehrtens <ha...@hauke-m.de> wrote:


In general the 21.02-rc3 looks good, but we still have some problems.

Currently we still have these problem:

- IPv6 broken with flow offloading (according to reports, potentially related 
to hw flow offloading)
- PPPoE allegedly broken (according to reports, not fully reproducible, likely 
related to hw flow offloading too)
  - https://bugs.openwrt.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=3909
  - https://bugs.openwrt.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=3835
- DHCPv6 broken if lease times < 12h chosen
- WDS with bridge-vlan broken (missing backport from master)
- cron jobs are triggered in UTC even when the system uses a different time 

Thank you Jo for collecting most of them.
These problems should at least get some investigation and better should get 
fixed before the final release.

In addition there are multiple problems with specific device, if they get fixed 
it would be nice otherwise we just leave it like it is now.

The problem fixed here was also reported in 21.02:
@Kevin: Any objections to backport this change to 21.02? Are there any other 
changes needed?

@John: Did you look into the IPv6 Flow offloading problem?

I would like to get some of them fixed or at least investigated and then do the 
final or a rc4, depending of the number of changes.
I will try to find some time in the next days to investigate some of these 

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